Similar context phrases
Translation examples
En realidad, nosotros solo salíamos
Las charlas, después que salíamos del teatro.
The talks after we would leave the theater.
Conocí a George cuando salíamos de la boda.
I met George when we were leaving the wedding.
Jack, cuando salíamos del hospital...
Jack, when we were leaving the hospital...
Salíamos de la tienda cuando se cayó.
We were leaving the store.
Tres personas entraban cuando nosotros salíamos.
Three people were coming in as we were leaving.
Salíamos de la ciudad.
We were just leaving town.
Salíamos del club de desnudistas.
We were leaving the strip club.
Se suponía que salíamos mañana por la noche.
We're supposed to leave tomorrow night.
- Quiero decir mientras salíamos - "Rómpete una pierna"
- I mean as we were leaving.
Cuando salíamos de la Casa del Gobierno H. E.
As we were leaving Government House H.E.
Moriríamos si salíamos de nuestro capullo.
We’ll die if we leave our cocoon.
Mis padres y yo salíamos de viaje dentro de una hora.
My parents and I were leaving in an hour.
Cuando ella y yo salíamos, Adán dijo que él tampoco tenía hambre.
As she and I were leaving the room, Adam said he wasn’t hungry either.
Cuando salíamos, oí decir a Ron por teléfono: —¿Mr.
As we were leaving, I heard Ron say on the phone, "Mr.
Y alguien estuvo a punto de descubrirnos en la otra habitación mientras salíamos.
And someone nearly caught us in the other room as we were leaving.
Cuando salíamos juntos de la cantina echó a correr de pronto.
As we were leaving the canteen together he suddenly shot off.
Salíamos juntas y nos poníamos de acuerdo para regresar a la misma hora.
We’d leave together and arrange a time to return together.
David y yo salíamos para la escuela, a veces juntos, a veces por separado.
David and I would leave for school, sometimes together, sometimes separately.
Salíamos de un banco, tras cambiar algunos dólares por moneda mexicana.
We were leaving a bank, after exchanging some Mexican currency.
Si no salíamos del humo y el fuego, nos asfixiaríamos y acabaríamos quemados.
If we didn’t get out of the smoke and heat we would suffocate and burn up.
—Ahora sólo faltaría que tuviesen medio cerebro entre los dos y a lo mejor salíamos de ésta —replicó Fermín.
‘All we need now is for the walls to grow half a brain between the ears and we might get out of this mess,’ answered Fermín.
Salíamos de paseo, al cine, a los cafés.
We used to go out on walks, to the movies, and cafés.
Mi mujer y yo salíamos con Mick y Jenny.
Me and the wife, we’d go out in a foursome with Mick and Jenny.
Salíamos a pasear.
We'd go for walks.
Salíamos en su coche.
We'd go to his car.
Saliamos en frio.
We had to go on cold.
Y, en invierno, salíamos a cazarles.
And in the winter, we would go and hunt them.
Los dos salíamos a pescar juntos.
The two of us used to go on fishing expeditions.
Dos veces al año salíamos en campaña.
Twice a year we would go a-Viking.
Lo publicábamos (salíamos por la tarde y Nuevo Diario y Barricada también por la tarde) y a nosotros nos censuraban.
We would print them – we published in the afternoons, and Nuevo Diario and Barricada come out in the mornings – and we would be censored.
—El Hokusai entraba en Gliese 664 justo cuando nosotros salíamos de ese sistema.
The Hokusai was entering Gliese 664 just as we departed that system.
—Quizá, señorita. Pero antes de que eche demasiada responsabilidad sobre el señor Liu, tal vez deba considerar el corte obligado del motor principal que la policía nos impuso cuando salíamos del Cinturón Oxidado.
Perhaps, Little Miss. But before you ascribe too much blame to Mr Liu, perhaps you should keep in mind the enforced main-engine cut-off that the police demanded of us as we were departing the Rust Belt.
Salíamos de la horrorosa segunda guerra mundial, y bajo el signo de las amenazas y de los conflictos la humanidad se unió en torno a aquella verdad para evitar que continuara esa horrorosa carnicería humana, en la que murieron millones de personas.
We were emerging from the horror of the Second World War and, under the looming threat of conflict, humankind rallied around that truth in order to put an end to that infernal human butchery in which millions died.
Al final de un famoso verano, el del 62, que nunca terminó musicalmente, en Petrópolis, donde siempre había una fiesta que otra, salíamos con la guitarra en una mano y una botella de whisky en otra, y siempre hacíamos una nueva canción.
By the end of the famous summer of '62, one which musically never came to an end, there'd be a party in Petrópolis every day... we'd be there with a guitar under one arm... and a bottle of whisky under the other... and every day a new song would emerge...
Nos introducíamos en túneles y salíamos a través de escarpados riscos.
We ducked into tunnels, emerging through spurs to reversing stations;
–No van a hacer nada -dijo Emil cuando salíamos del Ayuntamiento.
“They aren’t trying,” Emil said as we emerged from City Hall.
- Bueno - dije cuando salíamos del edificio -. Ya está explicado el misterio del pompón verde.
'Well,' I said, as we emerged from the building, 'that explains the mystery of the green pompon.'
—exclamó Martha Randall mientras Savannah y yo salíamos del dormitorio al que nos habíamos retirado.
Martha Randall said as Savannah and I emerged from the bedroom we had retreated to.
salíamos de nuestro sueño con la expresión de aturdimiento de quienes han quedado ensordecidos mientras dormían.
we emerged from our slumbers with the stunned expression of those who have been deafened in their sleep.
Miré hacia delante mientras salíamos por la puerta, tratando de comprender lo que ocurría.
I stared ahead as we emerged from the gate, trying to understand what was happening.
Mientras Papa y yo salíamos al tibio aire de la noche, me sentía satisfecho y feliz.
As Papa and I emerged into the warm night air, I felt well fed and content.
Luego el viento murió, justo cuando salíamos del Budayén al Boulevard, al otro lado del muro.
And then the wind died, just as we emerged from the Budayeen onto the boulevard beyond the wall.
—Maja —dijo el abuelo mientras salíamos de vuelta a la luz. Entonces me miró—. ¿Por qué lloras?
‘Nice,’ said Granddad, as we emerged into the sunlight. Then, looking at me: ‘Why you crying?’
Mientras salíamos de un banco de niebla cerca de un acantilado, vi las abejas allí mismo.
As we emerged from a fog bank near a cliff, I saw there were indeed bees here.
Sonreí mientras salíamos del aeropuerto.
I smiled as we walked out of the airport.
Salíamos del hotel unos minutos más tarde.
A few minutes later we were walking out of the hotel.
Tranquilicé a Regís mientras salíamos de Longsaddle.
I put Regis at ease as we walked out of Longsaddle.
Cuando salíamos de la sala común, me volví hacia él.
As we were walking out of the common room, I turned on him.
Philippe tenía razón, pensé mientras salíamos al jardín.
Philippe was right, I thought as we walked out into the garden.
Fue Peter quien vio al encargado de mantenimiento cuando salíamos de la sala de estar.
It was Peter who spotted the maintenance man as we walked out of the dayroom.
Mientras salíamos, no obstante, aquellas palabras se repetían en mi cabeza.
As we walked out, though, those words repeated in my head.
Me cogió de la mano, me dio las gracias y se nos quedó mirando mientras salíamos.
She took my hand, thanked me, and watched as we walked out.
—Cuando salíamos del museo, Richard me dijo: «Mi compañero de vivienda tiene una fiesta esta noche.
"When we were walking out of a museum, Richard said, 'My roommate is at a party tonight.
—Ahora, ¿adónde? —dijo Eco cuando salíamos de la posada—.
"Where to now?" said Eco as we stepped out of the inn.
—Lo hicieron por la guerra —me dijo el niño mientras salíamos del portal verde, de vuelta a la sala de juegos—.
‘They made it for war,’ the little boy told me as we stepped out of the green portal, back into the playroom.
Luego salíamos a la glacial brisa marina y bajábamos corriendo la cuesta hasta los Lanes, con frecuencia hasta la marisquería Wheeler’s.
Then we would step out into the icy sea breeze and saunter down the hill to the Lanes, usually to Wheeler’s fish restaurant.
—Bueno, ya está todo hecho —dijo Fabian mientras abandonábamos el edificio del despacho del abogado y salíamos a la suciedad de la calle de Zurich—.
'Well, done and done,' Fabian said as he and I left the lawyer's office and stepped out into the slush of the Zurich street.
Cuando salíamos de aquel templo maloliente a pescado, otra vez en la calle, el anciano continuó: «Quiero que sepas, primo Tepetzalan, lo que nosotros los Recordadores hemos conservado en la memoria.
As we stepped out of the fishy-smelling temple into the street again, the old man resumed, "Know now, cousin Tepetzalan, what we Rememberers have remembered.
XII Salíamos de Lausana cuando desperté.
     Chapter 12      WE WERE just pulling out of Lausanne when I awoke.
Cuando salíamos del pasaje miré hacia atrás, a la casa.
I looked back at the house as we were pulling out.
—Estoy seguro de que sólo te manoseó un poco —dijo, cuando salíamos del aparcamiento—.
"I'm sure he just pawed you some," Dad said as we pulled out of the parking lot.
Lo registró muy deprisa y sacó una cartera y una daga, mientras Sing y yo salíamos de la celda.
She quickly patted him down, pulling out a wallet and a dagger as Sing and I left the cell.
Luego salíamos solos él y yo.
Then he and I set out on our own.
Todas las mañanas salíamos a primera hora y nos solazábamos en las iglesias.
We set out early each morning and rioted in the churches.
A la hora en que normalmente salíamos para la iglesia, fui a su habitación para decirle que estábamos vestidas y le aguardábamos.
At the hour at which we usually set out for church I went to his room to tell him that we were all dressed and waiting for him.
Había también días claros en invierno, días bañados en sol, y entonces salíamos en trineo hacia las montañas para esquiar.
There were also fine days in winter, days drenched in sunshine, and we would set out on sleds to speed down the hillsides.
Todas las mañanas, Gavin Hewitt, de la BBC, y yo salíamos a contemplar la Guerra Torbellino que destruiría la República Islámica de Irán.
From Basra each morning, Gavin Hewitt of the BBC and I would set out to watch the “Whirlwind War” that would destroy the Islamic Republic.
Y salíamos de nuevo al galope.
An we’d take off again.
Ya tuviste tu oportunidad. ¿Recuerdas cuando salíamos y te fuiste a navegar?
You had your shot. Remember when we were dating and you sailed away?
Ese era mi trabajo cuando salíamos a navegar.
That was my job when we went sailing.
Aquellas palabras fueron acogidas con un aplauso y poco después salíamos del templo rodeados por la guardia real.
  These words were received with a murmur of applause, and in another minute we were marching out of the temple surrounded by the royal guards.
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