Translation examples
Il passe son disque favori, Vola nella notte et s'assied à sa table.
He puts on his favorite record, Fly the Night and sits at his table.
Ses jambes étaient humaines et une lance de trop vola vers lui.
His legs were human, and one spear too many came flying.
"Tandis qu'il rêvait tout innocemment, "le petit lutin "vers lui vola...
΄'Now, when that idle dream was to him brought unto that elfin knight he bade him fly where he slept soundly, void of evil thought and with false shews abuse his fantasy...
Nick Lock buta le Rasta d'un coup dans la nuque et le Rasta vola à travers les murs mourant sur le coup.
'Nick Lock shot the Rasta in the neck. 'The Rasta went flying through the wall and was dead instantly.
Il vola aux trappeurs la plupart de leurs chevaux.
The first step was to steal as many of the horses that he could get away with.
Et vola leur travail et envoya ses avocats les mettre plus bas que terre.
And steal their work and lawyer them into the ground.
voyait Jesus sur la croix... il remarqua les épines sur sa tête... et alors il vola... pour prendre une épine... mais comme il l'enlevait... il se piqua l'aile.
A little robin... saw Jesus on the cross... he noticed the thorns on his head... and so he flew down... to take out a thorn... but as he was pulling it out... he pricked his wing.
"Cette fois, avec un vent arrière favorable, "l'hirondelle vola jusqu'à l'île - "à tire d'aile..."
"This time, with the wind aft, and a good one the swallow fairly raced to the island with her wing..."
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