Translation examples
- Lo battevi sempre?
You beat him all the time?
the mi batteva sempre!
You always beat me.
E batteva per me.
It was beating for me.
Gerty... vi batteva regolarmente.
Gerty regularly beat you.
- Dylan lo battevo sempre.
I always beat Dylan.
Il suo cuore batteva?
Was its heart beating, Toby?
Anche lui ti batteva?
Did he beat you, too?
Mi battevi in tutto.
You beat me at everything.
Il cuore batteva velocissimo.
His heart, it was beating so fast.
Batteva una bandiera?
Was it flying a flag?
La nave della marina americana che ha attaccato il porto di New Orleans... batteva bandiera americana... ma non rappresenta le persone oneste come voi.
The U.S. Navy ship that attacked New Orleans harbor was flying the American flag, but it doesn't represent you good people.
Se battevi la testa allora si che si sarebbe fottuto il mio matrimonio.
If you had knocked your head, you would have fucked up my wedding.
Sentiva che batteva in testa.
He could hear a knocking.
Non è come quando mamma batteva al muro.
It's not at all like Mother knocking on the wall.
Ha sognato che il Liverpool batteva 1-0 il Chelsea nella semifinale?
He dreamt that Liverpool knocks out Chelsea onenil in the Champions League semi.
Ho mostrato il mio pass alla vostra sentinella UNIT e l'orologio batteva le dodici.
I showed my pass to your UNIT sentry and entered as the clock was striking twelve.
. no, michael. batteva anche bene.
- No, Michael. He could hit.
Se il cuore batteva ancora quand'e' caduto, tutto in un raggio di 3 metri dovrebbe essere coperto di sangue, come un quadro di pollock.
Well, if his heart was still pumping when he hit, everything within 10 feet would be splattered with blood like a pollock painting.
Batteva un cespuglio con un bastone. Continuamente
Acting violently, hitting a bush with a stick over and over again.
Beh, era un semplice ramo che batteva sulla finestra...
Well, looks like it was a branch hitting your window.
Ma i fuoricampo li batteva a prescindere.
At least he hit his own home runs.
- Ma batteva forte.
- - He could hit f ar.
Anche io la prima volta battevo la testa così sotto la trave!
I too, the first times, hit my head so under the beam!
A scuola, quando avevi troppi pensieri, venivi qui e battevi la palla nell'oceano.
Remember back in school when you had stuff on your mind, you used to come out here and try to hit balls into the ocean?
Saremmo entrati nei playoff se Bobby non batteva quel missile ad Atlanta!
We'd have made the playoffs if Rayburn hadn't hit that three- run shot in Atlanta.
- Ero io che battevo alla porta!
- I was the one banging at the door!
C'era questa giraffa che... mangiava il suo stesso vomito, e batteva la testa contro la gabbia.
This giraffe ate its own vomit, banged its head up against the bars.
Jake batteva sempre la testa.
Jake was constantly banging his head.
Era tuo padre quello che batteva sulla porta del tuo appartamento?
That was your father, banging on the door at the apartment?
Quando battevo i pugni sulla porta, mentre stavi soffocando... lo sa.
When I was banging on the door when you were suffocating.
Cavolo, batteva sul pavimento e urlava, gli aveva dato persino un nome.
Man, she would just bang on the floor and yell at it. Even gave it a name.
Perché Dorsa batteva il pugno sulla porta dei Bijari?
Why was dorsa outside bijari's apartment, banging on the door?
Liam non mi ha fatta dormire stanotte, batteva la testa.
Liam had me up half the night banging his head.
Camila... erano Simon Garfunkel, non Simon, Garfunkel e sua moglie che batteva su un tavolo.
Camila... it was Simon Garfunkel, not Simon, Garfunkel Garfunkel'swife banging on a table.
Il tizio della stanza a fianco batteva sul muro per il casino.
We were making so much noise the bloke next door banged the wall.
Il cuore mi batteva forte.
And my heart was pounding.
- E tu battevi sulla grata.
And you were pounding on the grate.
Si', batteva i marciapiedi.
- Yeah, she pounded the pavement.
... batteva sulla porta tipo...
he's pounding on the door like...
Credevo fossi tu che battevi.
I thought it was you pounding.
Il mio cuore batteva da matti.
My heart was really pounding.
Il mio cuore batteva.
My heart was pounding.
Dunque, quando io battevo, dovevo sempre accorciare la mazza.
Now,when I batted,I always had to choke up.
Ricordo un tizio seduto nel blocco che batteva una mazza da baseball per terra, sul cemento.
One guy, he sat there and bounced an aluminum baseball bat off the floor, onto the concrete.
Quando eravamo sposati, il telefono squillava e lei non batteva ciglio.
When we were married, that phone would always ring and she'd never bat an eye.
Senti questa. Una volta eravamo in Texas, lui lanciava e io battevo...
We were in texas one time and he was pitching and I was batting...
Se qualcuno la vedeva venire da là, prendeva subito il martello e batteva come se ci fosse andata per inchiodare qualcosa.
If anyone saw her going there, she would make out she went there to fix something with that hammer.
Il cuore mi batteva all'impazzata.
My heart was hammering in my chest.
- Era appena morto, batteva contro la cassa, così ho tolto le viti.
He wasn´t dead. He was hammering on the lid.
Il mio cuore batteva all'impazzata.
My heart was hammering.
E batteva forte quando ti vedevo.
And even batter. When you see it.
Il piccione, sempre più stanco ogni volta che batteva le ali, sapeva qualcosa che gli altri ignoravano.
The pigeon, growing fatigued witeach flap of her taxidermied wing, knew something The others did not.
Il suo cuore batteva forte ed era felice.
Her heart was fluttering, and she was happy.
Ogni volta che stavo per farlo mi tremavano le mani e batteva il cuore.
Each time I was about to my hand shook and my heart fluttered.
Passava ore in giardino batteva ogni cosa con quel dannato bastone.
He spent hours in his front yard just whipping that fucking bush with a goddamn stick.
Se tuo cugino non mi batteva a tennis.
Your cousin just whipped me in tennis.
L'odore dell'erba appena tagliata si diffondeva dai lontani prati di Hayes... L'orologio del villaggio batteva in lontananza... E da qualche parte, chilometri sopra la nostra piccola Terra...
The smell of freshly mown grass wafted over from far-off Hayes meadow, the village clock chimed in the distance and somewhere, miles above our petty earth, a wisp of cloud took flame from the dying embers of the setting sun.
E mentre gridava, batteva il frustino sugli stivali.
And whacked his stick against his boots.
All'istituto, avevo notato che batteva sulla brocca quando aveva sete.
I noticed at the institute he rapped on a jug when he was thirsty.
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