Translation examples
¿Tú volviste distinto?
You returned as another?
Pero no volviste.
But you did not return.
¿Por qué volviste?
Why did you return?
No volviste ayer.
You did not return yesterday.
- ¿Y nunca volviste?
- and never returned?
Así que volviste.
So you did return.
Y entonces, volviste.
And then you returned.
Volviste al restaurante.
You returned to the restaurant.
¿Por qué nunca volviste?
Why did you never return?
—¿Y cuándo volviste a la barcaza?
“When did you return to the houseboat?”
—Sí, pero volviste a él después de decir eso.
Yes, but you did return to him after saying that.
—Todos los días, desde que volviste. A veces... también antes.
Every day, since your return. Sometimes . even before then.
—El lobo… ¿por qué no te casaste con él y volviste con los tuyos?
“The wolf … Why didn’t you marry him and return him to your people?”
No volviste a mediodía, ni siquiera por la tarde.
You didn’t return before noon or after noon.
¿No va todo bien desde que volviste conmigo?
Does not all go well, since you returned to me?
—Tu padre vivía cuando volviste. —Lo sé.
‘Your father was alive when you returned.’ ‘I know.
Pero aún no me has explicado por qué no volviste a Caemlyn.
But you still haven't explained why you didn't return to Caemlyn."
¿Volviste por ellos?
Did you go back for them?
–¿Por qué no volviste?
"Why didn't you go back?
—¿Volviste con tus padres?
“Did you go back with your parents?”
¿Por qué no volviste a Alemania?
Why didn't you go back to Germany?
—¿Volviste para matarla? —No.
"Did you go back and kill your wife?" "No."
–¿Volviste a recoger la cabeza?
Did you go back for the head?
Como no volviste a por… —Sí. No. Mierda.
Like you didn’t go back for—” “Yes. No. Oh, shit.”
– ¿Por qué no volviste a recurrir a los tribunales?
Why didn't you go back to court?
¿Cuándo volviste a trabajar?
When did you go back to work?
—¿Por qué no volviste al restaurante?
“Why didn’t you come back to the restaurant?”
¿Por qué no volviste a buscarme?
Why didn't you come back for me?"
—¿Por qué volviste con el abuelo?
“Why did you come back to Grandpa?”
–¿A qué hora volviste?
“What time did you get back?”
¿Cuándo volviste a Portland?
When did you get back to Portland?
—¿Cuándo volviste de Francia?
When did you get back from France?
Daphne tenía un saludable tono bronceado y se veía descansada y feliz, pero el amigo de John estaba tenso. —¿Cuándo volviste?
She was tanned and relaxed and happy, but John's friend looked strained. "When did you get back?"
–Más o menos -dijo Sebastián invitando al chino a sentarse-. Después de mayo de 1921 no nos volvimos a ver. –¿Volviste plonto?
said Sebastian, motioning for the Chinaman to take a seat. "Since May 1921." "Did it take you long to get back in?"
Me volviste loco!
You turned me mad!
¿Te volviste mudo?
Turned mute, have you?
- Volviste la tostada?
- turned the anticorrosion bread?
Volviste al código.
You turned to the code.
¿Te volviste un gallina?
You turning' chicken?
Te volviste publica.
"You turned famous."
Les volviste verdes.
You did turn them green.
Te volviste blanco.
You're turning white.
—¿Te volviste una sombra?
“Did you turn into a shadow?”
Te volviste de espaldas.
You turned on your side.
Volviste al presidente contra mí.
Turned the President against me.
Pero tú le volviste la espalda.
But you turned him down.
¿Por qué te volviste fría?
Why did you turn cold?
Te volviste para mirarme.
You turned me to face you.
Te volviste hacia mí súbitamente.
You turned to me suddenly.
Después te volviste y me ofreciste
Then you turned and offered me
—No puedes tocar eso —le advertí. Te volviste.
"You can't touch that," I said. You turned around.
Después de mucho te volviste, que yo pensé "ahora", pero ya, ya, "hola"
After a long time you turned around and I thought “now,” but not a bit of it, “Hello”
Al cabo de un rato te volviste para mirar las tiendas y los edificios de apartamentos que había al otro lado de la carretera, frente al mar.
After a while, you turned around to look at the stores and apartment buildings facing the ocean across the road.
Sentado junto al chófer, te volviste varias veces hacia mí y preguntaste con tono intrigado: «¿Es el coche de la productora, no?»
Sitting next to the driver, you turned around to me several times, you were questioning me in a curious tone: “This really is the production car?”
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