Translation examples
Hasta el 15% de los casos de detenciones arbitrarias se resolvieron con intervenciones directas
Up to 15% of the arbitrary arrest and detention cases were solved through direct intervention
Todos estos casos se resolvieron mediante acuerdos pacíficos sin incoar acciones judiciales.
All these cases were solved by peaceful agreements without taking legal action.
La organización ofrecerá algunas historias de mujeres que resolvieron con éxito sus problemas.
We will recount some stories of women who succeeded in solving their problems.
Los resultados de la labor de la Cámara aumentaron apreciablemente en 2002: se resolvieron aproximadamente 675 denuncias, lo que respresenta un 80% más que en 2001, cuando se resolvieron 377.
Result of the Chamber's operation is significantly increased during the year 2002: some 675 claims have been solved, which is 80% more in relation to the 377 claims solved in 2001.
Se resolvieron 22 casos de discriminación a través de un procedimiento de mediación.
A number of 22 cases of discrimination were solved through mediation.
Nota: En 2008 se resolvieron un total de 2.411.476 causas penales.
Note: A total of 2,411,476 criminal cases were solved in 2008.
Las demoras iniciales en la distribución, debidas a dificultades del transporte, se resolvieron parcialmente.
Initial distribution delays caused by transportation difficulties were partially solved.
Los problemas iniciales se resolvieron gracias a la cooperación entre las empresas del sector y el Gobierno.
Initial troubles were solved through cooperation between the industry and Government.
Las demoras iniciales en la distribución, debidas a dificultades de transporte, se resolvieron parcialmente.
Initial distribution delays caused by transportation difficulties had been partially solved.
Entonces lo resolvieron.
So you did solve it.
Ellos resolvieron el caso.
They solved the case.
Ellos lo resolvieron primero.
They solved it first.
Resolvieron el acertijo.
They solved the puzzle.
¿Resolvieron el misterio?
Solve the mystery?
- resolvieron el crimen.
They solved the crime.
- Resolvieron el caso.
-They've solved the case.
¿Ustedes lo resolvieron?
You solve case?
¿Y qué problemas se resolvieron?
And what problems were solved?
—Los otros asesinatos ya se resolvieron.
The other murders were all solved.
Ponder y Hex lo resolvieron.
It was Ponder and Hex who solved that.
Sus consejeros resolvieron el problema.
His advisers solved the problem.
Nunca resolvieron el problema.
They never did solve the problem.
—Esos asesinatos nunca se resolvieron.
“The murders were never solved.”
Sus problemas, entonces, se resolvieron.
Now his problems are solved.
Resolvieron el problema de cuatro maneras.
They solved that trick four ways.
Los casos se resolvieron como sigue:
These cases were resolved as follows:
5. Los dirigentes resolvieron:
5. The leaders resolved:
En septiembre de 2003 los Estados resolvieron lo siguiente:
In September 2003 the States resolved:
Todos los casos se resolvieron.
All of these cases were resolved.
Los casos se resolvieron del siguiente modo:
The cases were resolved as follows:
Todos los incidentes se resolvieron satisfactoriamente.
All incidents were resolved satisfactorily.
Algunos de los incidentes se resolvieron de forma amistosa.
Some of the incidents were resolved amicably.
De ese total, se resolvieron
From this number, there are resolved cases:
Ellos resolvieron estas diferencias en una muy, muy...
They have resolved these differences in a very, very...
¿Dexter y tú resolvieron sus problemas?
You and Dexter resolve your issues?
Pero las cosas se resolvieron ese día.
But things did get resolved that day.
¿Así es que resolvieron sus otros temas?
So you two resolved all the other issues?
¿Resolvieron las cosas?
Were you able to resolve things?
¿Resolvieron la amenaza?
Does that mean that the threat has been resolved?
Se resolvieron el momento que te fuiste.
They were resolved the moment you left Austria.
Vosotros siempre discutieron, pero resolvieron las cosas.
You have always argued, but resolved things.
Lamentablemente, nunca resolvieron el asunto.
Unfortunately, they never resolved this issue.
Finalmente lo resolvieron más o menos amigablemente.
They finally resolved it semi-amicably. It was-
y resolvieron que no le sucedería lo mismo a Valinor.
and they resolved that the like should not befall Valinor.
No resolvieron nada y Vic encendió otro pitillo.
Nothing got resolved and Vic fired up another.
Allí sus tormentos se resolvieron en un torrente ardiente de indigestión.
There his misery resolved itself in a scaldinging torrent of indigestion.
La pantalla destelló, y salieron rayas que se resolvieron en una página impresa.
The screen flashed and swirled and resolved into a page of print.
Celebro deciros que todos estos casos se resolvieron satisfactoriamente.
All of these cases, I am happy to tell you, were resolved satisfactorily.
–Sus colegas ya resolvieron eso -dijo Mendelius en forma cortante-.
“Your colleagues have already resolved that one,” said Mendelius tartly.
Todos los problemas que había planteado la guerra precedente se resolvieron metódicamente.
All the problems thrown up by the previous war were painstakingly resolved.
Prepararon sus «artefactos» y resolvieron que no dormirían hasta haber realizado «la hazaña».
prepared their "engines" and resolved to have no sleep till "the deed" was done.
De pronto los ángulos y planos se resolvieron en el rostro de la señora Mark otra vez.
The angles and planes suddenly resolved themselves into Mrs. Mark’s face again.
y resolvieron entonces iluminar la Tierra Media, y estorbar con luz las acciones de Melkor.
and they resolved now to illumine Middle-earth and with light to hinder the deeds of Melkor.
Esos casos se resolvieron a favor de los demandantes.
These cases were settled in favor of the complainants.
Algunas se resolvieron extrajudicialmente.
Some of them are settled out of court.
Estos procesos se resolvieron en mayo de 1991.
These legal proceedings were settled in May 1991.
Estos se resolvieron de manera amistosa.
All of those cases had been settled amicably.
Un total de 65 casos se resolvieron en los tribunales del trabajo.
A total of 65 cases were settled at labour hearings.
Otras se resolvieron mediante el recurso a regímenes de responsabilidad civil.
Others have been settled by recourse to civil liability regimes.
Las seis reclamaciones pendientes se resolvieron.
The six claims were settled.
De las 330 solicitudes tramitadas, 324 se resolvieron en el plazo habitual mientras que 6 se resolvieron posteriormente debido a un retraso en la publicación del análisis del fiscal competente.
Out of 330 applications decided, 324 were settled within the normal deadline while 6 were settled afterwards due to a delay in the issuance of the assessment of the competent prosecutor.
46. En 1998 se resolvieron 2.156 indemnizaciones por daños y perjuicios.
46. In 1998, 2,156 awards of damages were settled.
Se resolvieron algunos problemas después de haberse efectuado las aclaraciones pertinentes.
Some problems were settled upon clarification.
Así que después de que el video apareció, la compañía lo despidió y luego resolvieron la demanda.
So, after the video surfaced, the company fired him and then settled the suit.
Los expertos creen que las disputas entre las tribus de las llanuras se resolvieron rápidamente.
Authorities agree that personal disputes among the Plains tribes were settled very quickly.
Lo resolvieron hace tres meses.
Just settled about three months ago.
Resolvieron sus diferencias.
They settled their differences.
¿Resolvieron todo en buena forma?
- A bit formal. Settling in all right?
Que se resolvieron de forma privada.
All of them settled privately.
La última vez que no se resolvieron, perdí la portada de Time.
The last time blood feuds weren't settled, I lost the cover of Time.
En 2002 diez bancos de inversión resolvieron su caso por 1400 millones de dólares y prometieron cambiar su manera de operar.
In december 2002 ten investment banks... settle the case for a total of 1.4 billion dollars... and promised to change their ways.
Y así, las dos flotas de combate confrontadas resolvieron sus restantes diferencias con el fin de lanzar un ataque conjunto a nuestra galaxia, entonces ya identificada positivamente como el origen de tan ofensivo comentario.
'So the two opposing battle fleets settled their differences 'in order to launch a joint attack on our galaxy, 'now positively identified as the source of the offending remark.
Pronto se resolvieron sus dudas sobre este asunto.
      His doubts on this point were soon settled.
Las mujeres gimieron y después se resolvieron por un lamento continuo.
The women wailed then settled to a steady lament.
Fuera lo que fuese lo que hubo entre los dos, lo resolvieron con discreción y siguieron siendo amigos.
Whatever passed between them was settled without any fuss, and the two of them continued to be friends.
No sé cómo resolvieron las cosas, porque desde entonces no los he vuelto a ver.
I do not know how they settled matters, because I have not seen them since.
—Con la herencia de su hijo, se resolvieron varios pleitos pendientes contra su práctica médica.
“Your son’s estate settled a few lawsuits that were pending against his medical practice.
Los detalles —los novios y las dotes— se resolvieron con facilidad, se olvidaron de la enigmática finca, y se dedicaron todas las fuerzas a los preparativos de las bodas.
Details-the bridegrooms and dowries-had been easily settled, and now the puzzling estate was forgotten and all energy went to preparing for the weddings.
y probablemente movidos por el deseo de establecerse en el nuevo hogar los jóvenes resolvieron hacer un esfuerzo y acabar con todo el mismo día.
Confident that everything could be worked out, and probably influenced by their anxiety to get settled in their new home, the couple decided to try and get everything done on the same day.
Cuando se resolvieron estas y otras cuestiones prácticas relacionadas con la partida, Napoleón ordenó a la Vieja Guardia, a los que no podían seguirlo, que se reuniesen frente al palacio.
When these and other practical matters relating to his departure were settled, Napoleon ordered the Old Guard, those who could not follow him, to assemble in front of the palace.
No se presentaron cargos criminales, pero sí una demanda civil que los Lorenzoni resolvieron con el pago de doce millones de liras a un muchacho que durante la pelea había sufrido fractura de la nariz.
No criminal charges were brought, but a civil suit was settled when the Lorenzonis paid twelve million lire to a boy whose nose was broken in the fight.
Se resolvieron favorablemente ocho denuncias de ciudadanos relacionadas con asuntos de protección de la familia, la maternidad, la paternidad y la infancia.
Eight complaints concerning protection of the family, maternity, paternity and childhood were decided favourably
Sólo el 31% de los casos de asilo en los países desarrollados se resolvieron positivamente en 2001.
Only 31 per cent of the asylum cases in the developed countries were decided positively in 2001.
En noviembre de 1983, los miembros de la Comisión resolvieron que la queja era infundada.
In November 1983, the Public Service Commissioners decided that the complaint was unfounded.
La mayoría de estos casos se presentaron al Tribunal Regional de Bissau y se resolvieron conforme a la ley.
Most of these cases were submitted to the Regional Court of Bissau and have been decided according to the law.
En junio de 2004, resolvieron agruparse para continuar esta labor, pues la situación afecta al ámbito de todos los mandatos.
In June 2004, they decided to continue this task as a group because the situation falls under the scope of each of the mandates.
Después de que la esposa se negó a la reconciliación, los jefes resolvieron enviarla de regreso a Tanna, cosa que se cumplió contra su voluntad.
After the wife refused a reconciliation, the chiefs decided to send her back to Tanna, which they did, against her will.
Aunque los asuntos no se resolvieron a su favor, la presentación de las reclamaciones indica que los querellantes tenían motivos para creer que tenían ese derecho.
Although the cases were not decided in their favour, the submission of the claims indicates that the claimants had reasons to believe that they had such a right.
En los primeros cuatro meses de 2004 se resolvieron o están pendientes de resolución 7 apelaciones de ese tipo.
In the first four months of 2004, seven interlocutory appeals were decided or remained pending.
Hasta que se crearon las comisiones regionales, las comisiones municipales competentes resolvieron 1.615 solicitudes en total.
Until the establishment of the Regional Commissions, the competent municipal commissions decided on 1.615 requests in total.
—Finalmente resolvieron que era suicidio.
They finally decided it was suicide.
Los más débiles resolvieron no salir a almorzar.
The weaker members decided not to go out to lunch.
¿Y cuándo resolvieron irse juntos a Europa?
And when did you decide to leave together for Europe?
—Me imagino que resolvieron que su desaparición era la prueba de su culpabilidad.
‘I imagine they decided that your disappearance was proof of your guilt.’
Resolvieron ir juntos a Sacramento esa misma noche.
They decided to drive up to Sacramento. They made the drive that night.
Deliberaron para decidir si debían negociar conmigo y resolvieron que sí.
They debated negotiating with me and eventually decided to do so.
Le reconocieron, identificaron su voz y, enardecidos por Ramsin, resolvieron vengarse.
They recognized him by his voice, and with Ramzin’s encouragement decided that their moment of revenge was come.
Resolvieron regresar a la habitación en forma de ele para contarle lo ocurrido a Dimmy.
They decided to go back to the L-shaped room and tell Dimmy.
Los que resolvieron que era un buen momento para huir, huyeron.
Those that worked out this was a good time to flee, fled.
En 1998, se resolvieron 25.320 apelaciones, un 20% más que el año anterior.
In 1998, Adjudicators determined 25,320 appeals, a 20 per cent increase compared to 1997.
Cuatro de las 25 decisiones en que se determinó que no existía título de propiedad de los aborígenes se resolvieron mediante litigio.
Four of the 25 determinations in which native title was found not to exist were determined through litigation.
Por otra parte, las acciones emprendidas por el ex marido de la autora y por las hijas de ésta o en su nombre se vieron y resolvieron de manera considerablemente más rápida.
On the other hand, actions instituted by the author's ex-husband and by or on behalf of her children were heard and determined considerably more expeditiously.
Después que te encontramos a ti, se resolvieron mis huesos a quedarse tiesos.
After we found you, my bones determined to find their rest.
Los chicos asintieron con entusiasmo y resolvieron pedir a Tubruk que les contara cosas en cuanto se les presentara la ocasión.
The boys nodded eagerly and determined to press Tubruk for the details as soon as they had the opportunity.
Pero sus dos hijos resolvieron cumplir su deseo y ellos mismos se engancharon a un carro y tiraron de ella hata Argos, en medio de todo el polvo y el calor.
But her two sons determined that she should have her wish. They yoked themselves to a car and drew her all the long way through dust and heat.
Y posteriormente, ya después de la muerte de Jesús, los discípulos recordaban estas conversaciones de Judas y resolvieron que junto con el maestro quería acabar con ellos, provocando una lucha desigual y suicida.
      The consequence was, that after the death of Jesus the disciples recalled these conversations of Judas, and determined that he had wished to destroy them, together with the Master, by inveigling them into an unequal and murderous conflict.
Del 1 de julio de 2010 al 31 de mayo de 2011 se resolvieron 29 de esas causas.
From 1 July 2010 to 31 May 2011, 29 of these cases were disposed of.
272. Se resolvieron varios casos de adopción por conducto de los tribunales de magistrados.
272. There were a number of adoption cases disposed of through the Magistrate Courts.
En 2010, se presentaron ante el Tribunal de Tierras 220 causas de controversias relativas a la tierra, de las que se resolvieron 5 (2,27%), y en 2011 la cifra ascendió a 246 causas, de las que se resolvieron 85 (34,6%).
There were a total of 220 cases filed on land disputes at the Land Tribunal in 2010, of which 5 (2.27%) were disposed of, and in 2011 there were 246 cases of which 85 (34.6%) were disposed of.
Las cuatro juntas resolvieron más apelaciones en 2007 que en 2006.
All four Joint Appeals Boards disposed of more appeals in 2007 than in 2006.
Del 1 de julio de 2010 al 31 de mayo de 2011 se resolvieron 76 de esas causas.
From 1 July 2010 to 31 May 2011, 76 of these cases were disposed of.
Como media, en las Secretarías se resolvieron aproximadamente 18 causas al mes.
On average, the Registries disposed of approximately 18 cases per month.
Ambos Tribunales resolvieron más causas en 2013 que en años anteriores.
23. Both Tribunals disposed of more cases in 2013 than in previous years.
Durante el período de que se informa se resolvieron 22 apelaciones de decisiones interlocutorias y se interpusieron otras 23.
166. During the reporting period, 22 interlocutory appeals were disposed of.
En la Secretaría de Ginebra se resolvieron 113 causas, mientras que en las Secretarías de Nairobi y Nueva York se resolvieron 44 y 63 causas respectivamente.
The Geneva Registry disposed of 113 cases while the Nairobi and New York Registries disposed of 44 and 63 cases, respectively.
Resolvieron entonces que el pretexto sería obtener ayuda médica regular de la clínica de Brinnlitz.
It was arranged that he would use some excuse to do with getting regular medical aid from the doctors in the camp clinic.
ha seguido el descubrimiento de los anillos entretejidos que al fin se resolvieron en círculos simples, mucho más finos, y el descubrimiento de las estrías opacas dispuestas como rayos de la rueda y después identificadas como nubes heladas.
He followed the discovery of intertwined rings which were then proved to be simple circles, much more thin; and the discovery of the opaque streaks arranged like the spokes of a wheel, later identified as icy clouds.
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