Translation for "thoroughly" to spanish
Translation examples
(a) Studying thoroughly the Convention;
a) Estudiado a fondo la Convención;
Every allegation is investigated thoroughly.
Todas las denuncias se investigan a fondo.
This will be thoroughly examined.
Este tema se va a examinar a fondo.
It was a subject that should be thoroughly discussed.
Es éste un tema que debe debatirse a fondo.
All reports are thoroughly investigated.
Se hace una investigación a fondo de todas las denuncias.
was it thoroughly washed?
¿lo han limpiado a fondo?
   “Check it out thoroughly.
—Investigarlo a fondo.
He was thoroughly interviewed.
Fue interrogado a fondo.
It has been thoroughly cleaned.
La han limpiado a fondo.
Dalin must have pored over the matter thoroughly – all too thoroughly, I felt.
Era evidente que Dalin había estudiado a fondo el tema —demasiado a fondo, en mi opinión.
Meanwhile, they investigated thoroughly.
Mientras tanto, realizan una investigación a fondo.
We’ll check it out more thoroughly.”
Ya lo investigaremos más a fondo.
He soaped his body thoroughly.
Se enjabonó a fondo.
      "And you have searched the house thoroughly?"
–¿Y lo visitasteis a fondo?
And thoroughly entertaining.
Y completamente entretenido.
I'm thoroughly confused.
Estoy completamente confundido.
I'm thoroughly depressed.
Estoy completamente depre.
Very thoroughly. Okay?
Muy exhaustivamente. ¿Bien?
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