Translation for "programaron" to english
Translation examples
:: Se instalaron y programaron radios VHF para 69 vehículos
VHF radios installed and programmed for 69 vehicles
249. En diciembre de 2010 se programaron cursos de capacitación para un grupo de 50 jueces.
249. In December 2010 training programs were scheduled for a group of 50 judges.
26.7 En el sector de los recursos naturales y la energía para 1992-1993 se programaron 11 productos sustantivos.
26.7 In terms of natural resources and energy, 11 substantive outputs were programmed for 1992-1993.
Por ejemplo, en 2005 figuraban 3.700 reuniones en el calendario, pero solamente se programaron 3.460.
In 2005, for example, 3,700 meetings were planned in the calendar, whereas 3,460 were programmed.
El 80% de esos recursos se programaron para actividades que se llevarán a cabo en los próximos años.
Eighty per cent of these resources have been programmed for delivery in future years.
De octubre a diciembre de 2010 no se programaron cursos debido al carácter prioritario de los preparativos del referendo.
Courses were not programmed from October to December 2010 due to priority preparations for the referendum.
Se programaron canales de radio únicos para que las partes pudieran comunicarse permanentemente.
Single radio channels were programmed to allow parties to communicate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
En 2007 se programaron nuevas iniciativas en materia de prevención del turismo sexual:
A number of new initiatives aimed at the prevention of sex tourism were programmed in 2007:
Organizaron y programaron actos de sabotaje y colocaron bombas en edificios públicos y locales militares.
They were designing and programming acts of sabotage and explosions in public buildings and military facilities.
Ellos no programaron esto.
They didn't program this.
- ¿Te programaron para fastidiarme?
Vincent, were you programmed to bug me?
- ¿Programaron para qué?
- Programmed to do what?
¿Te programaron para hablar?
Are you programmed to speak?
-Para eso te programaron.
- That's what you're programmed to do.
Lo programaron para matarnos.
He's been programmed to kill us.
Le programaron para matarlo.
They programmed the robot to kill him.
Te programaron para obedecerme.
You've been programmed to obey me.
- Nos programaron para servir.
- They programmed us to serve.
Por eso me programaron--
That's why I have been programmed...
No te programaron para comprender.
The understanding wasn't programmed into you."
Me lo programaron hace años. —¿Por qué?
“It was programmed into me years ago.” “Why?”
—Ustedes le programaron. —Alguien tenía que hacerlo.
“You programmed him.” “Someone had to.”
Confía en los miembros que programaron Uni.
Trust the members who programmed Uni.
—Ambos mataron… y programaron asesinos.
“You both kill … and program killers.”
—Aquellos que programaron restricciones sobre mis metafunciones ya no existen.
Those who programmed restraints on my metafunctions are doing so no more.
Se programaron ocho horas de sueño y sellaron el dormitorio.
Programming eight hours of sleep for themselves, they sealed the bedroom.
—Y a los adoradores de Wei que programaron a Uni —añadió Rey—.
"And the Wei-worshippers who programmed Uni," King said.
c No se programaron originalmente.
c/ Not originally scheduled.
Durante la semana se programaron, en total, seis sesiones de redacción.
In total, six separate drafting sessions were scheduled during the week.
Las primeras consultas oficiales se programaron para fines de enero de 2002;
The first formal consultations were scheduled to be held around the end of January 2002;
b Originalmente se programaron 18; tres se realizaron en 1994-1995.
b/ Eighteen scheduled originally; three conducted in 1994-1995.
Se programaron provisionalmente más reuniones para la semana del 4 al 8 de noviembre.
Further meetings were tentatively scheduled for the week of 4 to 8 November.
Habida cuenta de las opiniones expresadas en esa ocasión, no se programaron otras reuniones del grupo.
Owing to views expressed on that occasion, no further meetings of the working group were scheduled.
En 1997 se programaron tres reuniones plenarias con un total de 10 días.
In 1997 three plenary sessions were scheduled, totalling 10 days.
Programaron la audiencia de Irving para esta mañana.
They scheduled Irving's hearing for this morning.
¡Me programaron contra "Tony Orlando y Dawn"!
You guys scheduled me up against "Tony Orlando and Dawn"!
Digo, ¿por qué lo programaron tarde?
No, I mean why was it scheduled late? I'm doing a sidebar.
La programaron hace tres días.
She's been scheduled for three days.
Programaron jugar en Scottsbluff como visitantes.
Now, you've scheduled an away game at Scottsbluff.
Esos son los que programaron la pelea.
They're the ones who scheduled the fight.
Aparentemente ellos programaron una entrevista con él.
Apparently, they scheduled a sit-down with him.
-¿ Ya programaron la votación?
-Has the chairman scheduled a vote?
Programaron una manifestación, pero no creo...
They've scheduled 20 minutes for a demonstration, but I don 't think...
¿Ya programaron esa reunión?
Is this meeting already scheduled?
Le programaron un calendario de medicaciones y una operación de bypass.
There was a schedule of meds and then there was bypass surgery.
Programaron el traslado a Vermont para el 29 de febrero.
They were scheduled to make the move to Vermont on February 29.
Fue todo muy civilizado y lo programaron para un día que le iba bien a Julie.
It was all very civilized, and scheduled on a convenient day for Julie.
Dario y Jimmy programaron varias entrevistas a continuación, incluyendo una en el Canal 6.
Dario and Jimmy scheduled a number of follow-up interviews, including one with Channel 6.
Las comparecencias se programaron para junio a fin de que Hansen declarase durante una abrasadora ola de calor.
Hearings were scheduled for June, so Hansen could deliver his testimony during a blistering heat wave.
En la primavera de 1999, me programaron para dar una plática a un grupo de aproximadamente 250 banqueros en Los Ángeles.
In the spring of 1999, I was scheduled to give a talk to a group of approximately 250 bankers in Los Angeles.
Programaron un concierto de Joy Division en el Tier 3, pero Ian Curtis se suicidó una semana antes.
Joy Division was scheduled to play at Tier 3, but Ian Curtis killed himself a week before the gig.
El 26 de abril, dos días después del aterrizaje de emergencia de Chamberlin, programaron el último vuelo de prueba.
On 26 April, two days after Chamberlin’s emergency landing, they scheduled their final test flight.
Los bolcheviques de Víborg, contrariados por la inadecuada respuesta de su partido a la amenaza contrarrevolucionaria, programaron una reunión de emergencia del Comité de Petersburgo.
Vyborg Bolsheviks, disgruntled at their party’s inadequate response to the threat of counterrevolution, scheduled an emergency meeting of the Petersburg Committee.
Y como Sfia no necesitaba descansar, se programaron lecciones a primeras horas de la mañana para gente como el Maestro Oldive y otros curadores.
And, because Aivas needed no rest, concentrated lessons, such as those for Master Oldive and other healers, were scheduled for the early hours of Landing’s day.
19. El CEF y el CEPP, establecidos por la Junta en 2009, se reunieron en tres ocasiones durante el período del que se informa, y programaron sus reuniones para dos días antes de cada una de las reuniones siguientes de la Junta.
19. The Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC) and the Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC), established by the Board in 2009, met three times during the reporting period, scheduling their meetings two days prior to the subsequent Board meetings.
Cabe destacar que en el 2004, se programaron inversiones en las 444 policlínicas existentes en el país, habiéndose remodelado 109 de ellas y encontrándose otras 32 en ejecución.
In 2004, an investment programme affecting the 444 existing clinics was planned; remodeling was completed on 109 of these and work was in progress at another 32.
¿Pero por qué no programaron el virus para que dejara de replicarse una vez que su población fuera repuesta?
But why didn't they programme the virus to stop replicating... once their population was replenished?
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