Translation examples
¿Por qué siempre nos humillamos así?
Why the humiliation?
-¿Por qué no humillamos a Jack?
Maybe we could bring Jack up here for some humiliation.
Dos, cuatro, seis, ocho, ¿a quién humillamos?
Two, four, six, eight, who do we humiliate?
La humillamos en tribunales.
We humiliated her in court.
..entonces le humillamos.
- ... then we humiliate him.
Si quieres, humíllame.
If you want to humiliate me, you know how.
Los humillamos como mascotas.
We humiliate them as pets.
Nos divertimos, nos acostamos, nos humillamos eróticamente.
I mean, sure, we'd have fun, roll around, - get into some erotic humiliation fantasy. - Erotic?
Nosotros no acosamos ni humillamos.
We can do our jobs, Sheriff, without resorting to harassment and humiliation.
En Sonoma te humillamos mucho.
‘We humiliated you pretty badly in Sonoma.’
Humillamos a los X-Men: 7 a 2;
We humiliate the X-Men, 7 to 2;
«Adelante, humíllame si eso te hace sentir más grande», pensó Hal.
Go ahead, humiliate me if it makes you feel bigger, Hal thought.
Oh, Dios eterno y padre misericordioso nos humillamos desde el fondo de nuestro corazón ante tu poderosa majestad contra quienes hemos pecado tan a menudo y tan abominablemente.
Oh, etemal God and most merciful Father we humble ourselves from the bottom of our heart before Your mighty majesty against Whom we have sinned so often and so abominably.
En tu sabiduría nos humillamos.
In your wisdom, we are humbled
¿Cómo seres primitivos cree que nos humillamos delante de dioses tallados en piedra?
Like primitives you think we abase before gods carved in rock?
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