Translation for "engordaban" to english
Translation examples
Hice una dieta de aguacates hasta que descubrí que engordaban.
I used to be on an avocado diet before I found out they were fattening.
Desde que nacimos nos engordaban a punta de comida.
From the time we were born, we were fattened up on formula.
Los árboles se hinchaban, engordaban con la negrura.
The trees swelled, fattened by the blackness.
y lo mismo los puercos, que engordaban con maíz.
and so were the hogs, which they fattened upon maize.
Los terneros engordaban, las ovejas habían dado su lana suave, los árboles estaban cargados de frutos.
The calves were fattening, the sheep had yielded their fine soft wool, the trees bent, heavy with fruit.
La mitad moría en alta mar y a los sobrevivientes los «engordaban» en el puerto de llegada y su venta compensaba las pérdidas;
Half of those Blacks died at sea, but when they arrived in port the traders “fattened” the survivors, and their sales compensated for losses;
A los esclavos capturados en el interior los retenían en recintos de Luanda y Benguela, donde los engordaban para el Paso Intermedio.[8]
Slaves captured from the interior were kept in Luanda’s and Benguela’s holding pens, where they were fattened for the Middle Passage.
César estaba siempre llevándola a restaurantes y a fiestas y al final acababa comiendo toda clase de cosas que engordaban.
Cesar was always taking her to restaurants and parties and she’d end up eating all kinds of fattening things.
Cada cierto tiempo declaraba la guerra a la inundación de objetos y, durante una época, Cáritas y el Ejército de Salvación engordaban con lo que desechaba.
Periodically she would wage war against the overflow, and then for awhile Goodwill and the Salvation Army would fatten off her discards.
Al mismo tiempo que engordaban a los esclavos y trabajadores forzosos, los colonizadores los bautizaban en grupo, de rodillas, antes de encadenarlos y llevarlos hasta los barcos.
Along with fattening them, the colonizers ritually baptized every slave and forced laborer in kneeling groups before being chained and rowed out to the ships.
Las pastillas que tomabapara el asma (según me contaron los otros) lo ponían irritable, le producían insomnioy le engordaban.
The pills he took for it (1 was informed, behind his back) made him irritable, kept him up at night, made him gain weight.
Sin protestas, sin murmurar, contemplaba a aquel tragón formidable, preguntándose por qué causa, engullendo tanto los gascones, no engordaban.
The good sailor had neither protested nor grumbled; indeed, he had gazed with admiration at that formidable eater, just asking him why the Gascons, despite being devourers, did not gain weight.
El haz de luz gris pálido sobre la pared de la torre… La curiosa diagonal irregular que formaban las ventanas iluminadas del otro lado del patio… El sostén que había acabado enroscado en torno al tacón de un zapato debajo de la cama de Beverly… Laurie le contaba que todas las chicas tomaban la pildora, y que no engordaban ni nada, que era lo que le habían dicho siempre…
She let her eyes wander…the pale gray wash up the side of the tower…the curious ragged diagonal the lit-up windows on the other side of the courtyard made…the bra that had somehow gotten tangled around the high heel of a shoe underneath Beverly’s bed. Laurie was going on about how every girl was on the pill, and it didn’t cause you to gain weight, the way she’d always heard…
Engordaban y a veces mudaban de piel, daban lástima de tan vulnerables.
They grew plump and sometimes shed their skins. They looked pathetically vulnerable.
El cocinero ya estaba al tanto de que todos engordaban allí.
The cook knew about them all growing fat there.
Cuando las alimentaba mucho, engordaban y su barriga rebosaba de luz.
When he gave them more food, they would grow fat and their bellies would burst with light.
Atrapados en el fango del Protectorado, todos engordaban como cochinos y, ahora, él les enseñaría lo que es correr.
They’d been growing fat as pigs in the muck of this Protectorate. Now he’d teach them to run.
Los terneros engordaban con la leche de sus madres, y ese año, todas las granjas y casitas del condado contaban con los beneficios de la venta de lana.
The calves were growing fat on their mothers’ milk and the profits from this year’s wool sales were being counted in every farmhouse and cottage in the county.
Hacia el este, hasta llegar al límite del Bosque Profundo, se extendían los amplios bosques soleados donde las presas engordaban durante el otoño y había gran cantidad de bayas y frutos secos.
To the east all the way to the edge of the Deep Forest, lay the vast sunlit woods where the prey grow fat in autumn, and berries and nuts are plentiful.
Ahora recuerdo su nombre, Basilio Valentino, el alquimista que observó que los cerdos engordaban con alimentos ricos en estibio, ¿no…? Lo probó con unos monjes demacrados por el ayuno y murieron todos…
Now I remember your name, Basil Valentine, the alchemist who watched pigs grow fat on food containing stibium, wasn’t it . . . you tried it on some fasting emaciated monks and they all died . . .
Cuando la pequeña Georgette Beck se hallaba convaleciente, yo solía cogerla en brazos y pasear con ella por el jardín; y me sentaba con ella bajo una parra que el sol del mediodía hacía madurar: y sus rayos acariciaban el pálido cuerpecito de la niña con la misma sabiduría que endulzaban y engordaban los racimos de uvas.
When little Georgette Beck was recovering from her illness, I used to take her in my arms and walk with her in the garden by the hour together, beneath a certain wall hung with grapes, which the Southern sun was ripening: that sun cherished her little pale frame quite as effectually as it mellowed and swelled the clustering fruit.
He crecido viendo cómo subían los precios de las flores y los dulces y cómo engordaban los fabricantes de dulces y los sacerdotes.
I have grown up watching the increasing prices of flowers and sweets and the widening girths of sweet-makers and priests.
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