Similar context phrases
Translation examples
On tapera ce mandat demain matin.
We're gonna go back and start typing that warrant tomorrow morning.
Cette machine est intelligente. Elle tapera ensuite "IN".
and that machine is smart enough to type the "IN".
On tapera ce qu'on recherche. Marylin Monroe qui chuchote.
You'll be able to type in what you want Marilyn Monroe to whisper in your ear.
Quand le temps viendra, tu taperas ton pseudo "Kirsten", suivi de ton code pin de sortie.
When the time comes, you're going to type in your username "Kirsten," followed by your exit pin code.
On invoquera pas la loi sur les sources confidentielles, mais il vous tapera une copie.
As this isn't a confidential source, we won't invoke the Maryland Shield law, but he'll type up a copy for you.
Mme Regal le tapera.
I'll have Mrs. Regal type it.
Elvira tapera tout ça avant dîner.
Elvira will type it up for you before dinner.
Il me tapera, mais il te tuera.
He'll beat me, but he will kill you.
Mais quand il me tapera jusqu'à la mort, tu seras de corvée d'infirmière.
But when he beats me within an inch of my life, you're on bedpan duty.
- C'est une fausse. Mon père me tapera s'il sait que je vous l'ai montrée.
My dad'll give me a beating if he knows I showed you.
Non, après il me tapera dessus.
- Then he'll beat me up.
Il continuera à la taper, et il tapera le gamin, aussi !
He's just gonna keep beatin' her, and then he's gonna beat the kid, too!
Ou bien tu grogneras et tu me taperas fort dans le dos.
or just grunt or slap me on the back harder than necessary.
OK, maintenant je veux que tu me retrouves à cette adresse dans une heure, et on s'en tapera 5 là-bas.
All right, now I want you to meet me at this address in an hour, and we'll slap five there.
Il me tapera lui aussi ?
Will Geum-ee slap me, too?
C'est des disputes auxquelles on repensera dans 20 ans, on se tapera dans le dos en disant "C'était le bon temps"
But that's fun bickering. That's bickering we'll look back on in 20 years... slap each other on the backs and say, "What ho, good times."
Réessaie. Elle tapera peut-être plus fort.
Try it again, maybe she'll punch you harder.
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