Translation examples
Say you've got to cut off.
Diles que tienes que cortar.
“They said to cut off a finger.”
—Dijeron que te cortara un dedo.
The woman gestured slightly, as if to cut off his question.
La mujer hizo un leve gesto, como para interrumpir su pregunta.
No mind-thrust was needed to cut off the physicist’s tirade.
No fue necesario ningún golpe mental para interrumpir la parrafada del físico.
Behind the panel there is an instrument designed to cut off the electric current.
—Detrás del cuadro hay un instrumento destinado a interrumpir la corriente eléctrica.
Dionysius raised his hand sharply to cut off the complaining.
Dionisio alzó la mano con un gesto seco para interrumpir sus palabras.
Well, ye did say Pardloe told ye they meant to cut off the southern colonies, aye?
—Bueno, dijiste que Pardloe te contó que tenían pensado aislar a las colonias del sur, ¿no?
The enemy has been putting a lot of big stuff over; he wants to cut off that trench.
El enemigo ha estado sacando armamento bastante potente, quieren aislar esa trinchera.
"The next one through will have to cut off all its inputs until it's past that point," Hosteen muttered.
— La próxima tendrá que desconectar los sensores hasta que haya sobrepasado ese punto — murmuró Hosteen —. Tendrá que pasar a ciegas.
Solana shifted into the space between us, trying to cut off my access.
Solana intentó interponerse entre nosotros para impedir que me acercara.
He said, “Allies don’t surround you to cut off every escape.”
—Los aliados no te rodean para impedir todo tipo de escape.
You built the wall, but secured it with a plate of ralkalest at the back to cut off escape.
Construisteis la pared, pero la asegurasteis con una placa de ralkalest detrás para impedir la huida.
Using it as a blade, he tried to cut off the tail but couldn’t saw through the vertebrae.
Utilizándola como instrumento cortante, intentó amputar la cola pero no consiguió atravesar las vértebras.
He splinted my first two fingers and had to cut off two." She stopped. "Jesus, Greg!
Ha tenido que entablillarme dos dedos y amputar otros dos. Ella se detuvo. –¡Jesús, Greg!
The car went on to circle the block, probably to cut off the other end of the alley.
El vehículo reanudó su camino para rodear la manzana, probablemente con intención de bloquear la otra salida del callejón.
Except Nash was already bringing his TIE Interceptor up and around to cut off their most likely escape route, and her plan was ruined.
Sin embargo, Nash ya estaba elevando su interceptor TIE para bloquear la ruta de escape más probable, por lo que el plan de Ciena estaba arruinado.
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