Translation for "sidelong" to spanish
Translation examples
He glanced sidelong.
—La miró de soslayo—.
She looked at him sidelong.
Ella lo miró de soslayo.
He looked at me sidelong.
—Me miró de soslayo—.
She gave me a sidelong look.
Ella me miró de soslayo.
or sidelong down corridors and alleys;
o recorriendo pasillos y galerías laterales;
Then followed a slight and almost imperceptible sidelong movement of the head.
Luego hizo un imperceptible movimiento lateral con su cabeza.
and when they left, with small sidelong bows in his direction. Undine exclaimed: "Now you see how they all watch me!"
y cuando se marcharon, haciendo a Moffatt unas reverencias leves y laterales, Undine exclamó: —¡Ahora ya ves cómo me vigilan!
Polly pouted and came in, and looked at Ross sidelong and patted her hair.
Polly hizo un mohín y entró, miró de costado a Ross y se arregló los cabellos.
Damaging stabs and sidelong slashes had been administered, particularly upon Ernie, who had greatly resented them.
Se administraron perjudiciales embestidas y picotazos de costado, en particular contra Ernie, a quien le molestaron mucho.
The wolves slink by timidly, greeting her with furtive, sidelong looks.
Los lobos pasan tímidamente, saludan con una mirada oblicua.
The doctor glanced sidelong and whipped a finger to his lips. “Tish!
El doctor le echó una mirada oblicua y se llevó el índice a los labios. —¡Sss!
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