Translation for "seriously thinking" to spanish
Translation examples
You're not seriously thinking of applying, are you?
No estás pensando seriamente postularte, ¿verdad?
Are you seriously thinking of marriage?
¿Estás pensando seriamente en el matrimonio?
You're not seriously thinking about this?
¿No estarás pensando seriamente en eso?
I'm seriously thinking of joining her.
Estoy pensando seriamente en unirme a ella.
You're not seriously thinking of...
No estás pensando seriamente en--
I'm seriously thinking about suicide.
Estoy pensando seriamente en suicidarme.
I am seriously thinking of destroying myself.
Estoy pensando seriamente en destruirme.
Oh, I've been seriously thinking about it.
Lo he estado pensando seriamente.
You're not seriously thinking of acquiring a black opera cape?
—No estarás pensando seriamente en comprar una capa negra, ¿verdad?
I am seriously thinking of giving everything up and running away to be a tramp.
Estoy pensando seriamente en renunciar a todo y escaparme para vivir como un vagabundo.
At one stage we were seriously thinking of breaking up.” “I didn’t know that.”
Llegó un momento, incluso, en que estuvimos pensando seriamente en separarnos. –No lo sabía.
Harold Atkinson is seriously thinking of having him trained for opera.
Harold Atkinson está pensando seriamente en hacerle estudiar bel canto. —Llamó al maître—.
After a pause he added, to the Ashbys’ surprise: “I’m seriously thinking of coming back to town soon.”
Tras una pausa, añadió para sorpresa de los Ashby—: Estoy pensando seriamente en volver pronto al pueblo.
“You’re not seriously thinking of inviting a lawsuit, because if you are, it’s going to cost just as much and you could lose.
—No estarás pensando seriamente en provocar un proceso, porque, si es así, te costará tanto como lo que podrías perder.
Al-Fali stepped forward: "My Lady, you are not seriously thinking . "Is it not my right to decide my own fate?" Jessica asked.
- Mi Dama, no estaréis pensando seriamente… -¿Acaso no tengo derecho a decidir mi propio destino?-preguntó Jessica.
The thought was dangerous-was I seriously thinking about trying something on with her, while Cahuella was no further away than another room in the Reptile House?
Aquel pensamiento era peligroso, ¿de verdad estaba pensando seriamente en intentar algo con ella, cuando Cahuella estaba tan solo a una habitación de distancia?
You need to seriously think about that like your personality disorders.
Deberías pensar seriamente en ello, como en tus desordenes de personalidad.
You cannot seriously think That a blind girl broke into my house.
No puedes pensar seriamente que una chica ciega entró en mi casa.
well, you can't seriously think it's ashley's fault.
Bueno, no se puede pensar seriamente que es culpa de Ashley.
You don't seriously think I had anything to do with setting that up, do you?
No pensarás seriamente que tengo algo que ver con esto, ¿verdad?
You don't seriously think it's dangerous, do you?
No pensarás seriamente que es peligroso, no?
You can't seriously think I'm still coming?
Tu no pensarás seriamente que voy a ir?
Because If You Were, I'd Have To Seriously Think About
Porque si así fuera, tendría que pensar seriamente
We might have to seriously think About it.
Podríamos pensar seriamente en ello.
You should seriously think about giving me a raise, you know?
Deberíais pensar seriamente en subirme el sueldo, ¿sabéis?
You don't seriously think they'll try anything?
—No pensará seriamente que intentan algo.
You don't seriously think you've got killer fungus, do you?
—No pensará seriamente que tiene hongos mortales, ¿verdad?
I think he might have been seriously thinking of trying his hand at cooking snow-serpents, too.
Creo que incluso llegó a pensar seriamente en probar de cocinar algunas serpientes de nieve.
She wasn’t about to let her father know that the one man who’d made her seriously think about matrimony wouldn’t have her because of him.
No estaba dispuesta a permitir que su padre supiera que el único hombre que le había hecho pensar seriamente en el matrimonio no se casaría con ella por su culpa.
After four days he was in despair, and seriously thinking of demanding to be returned to Chiark, admitting everything to Contact and just hoping they would take pity on him and either keep Mawhrin-Skel on, or keep it silenced.
Cuatro días de luchar con ellas le redujeron a la desesperación y empezó a pensar seriamente en pedir que se le devolviera a Chiark sin más dilación. Haría una confesión completa ante Contacto, y se pondría en sus manos con la esperanza de que su apuro les hiciera apiadarse de él y optaran por no anular la readmisión de Mawhrin-Skel o reducirle al silencio de una vez para siempre.
That was surely the last straw. But when the fool hinted a little awkwardly and yet with a certain pride that every penny would be a godsend to him, for Erna was now well on the way, and they must seriously think of getting married, it sounded to Esch like a voice from the beyond, and he knew that his sacrifice was not yet complete.
Sin embargo cuando aquel idiota, un poco cohibido aunque con aire de orgullosa satisfacción, insinuó que para ellos era importante hasta el último céntimo, porque Erna estaría pronto muy adelantada y había que pensar seriamente en la boda, a Esch le pareció oír como una voz del más allá, y supo que el sacrificio no había terminado todavía.
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