Translation for "pitiful" to spanish
Translation examples
It would be a pity if the work done by the Committee were to go to waste.
Sería pues lamentable que la labor realizada por el Comité no diera frutos.
Lauding a ridiculous Special Rapporteur cannot conceal the fact that he is but a pitiful pawn.
Encomiar a un ridículo relator especial no puede ocultar que es un lamentable instrumento.
It is a pity that not much has happened in that area so far.
Es lamentable que hasta el momento no se haya producido en gran medida en este ámbito.
It would be a grave pity if, in reducing costs, the United Nations were to be starved of substance.
Sería lamentable que, al reducir los gastos, las Naciones Unidas quedaran privadas de sustancia.
It would be a pity if Norway were to deprive itself of the skills of highly qualified people.
A este respecto, sería lamentable que Noruega no contase con los conocimientos especializados de personas sumamente competentes.
It would be a pity if that initiative were to be persued by politicians to further their own aims.
Sería lamentable que los políticos aprovechasen de esta empresa para sus propios fines.
It was a great pity that today I did not find our co-sponsorship fully recognized.
Es lamentable que hoy no se reconozca plenamente nuestra condición de patrocinadores.
It is now etched into history and what a pity.
Está gravado en la historia y es lamentable.
What a pity it is that ethnicity did not yield to nationhood.
Es lamentable que el sentido de pertenencia a una nación no prevaleciera sobre el origen étnico.
It is a great pity that linkages between issues should be allowed to hold the Conference to ransom.
Es muy lamentable que se permita que la Conferencia sea rehén de los vínculos entre cuestiones.
- You're both pitiful.
- Ambos son lamentables.
It's so pitiful.
Es muy lamentable.
I'm a pitiful soldier... a pitiful doctor, a pitiful musician.
Soy un soldado lamentable... un médico lamentable, un músico lamentable.
- This is pitiful...
- Esto es lamentable--
That was pitiful.
Eso fue lamentable.
That's pitiful.
Eso es lamentable.
You're pitiful.
Usted es lamentable.
- It's pitiful.
- Es lamentable. - Cállate.
Ah, you're pitiful.
¡Ah, eres lamentable.
I alternate them.” “That’s pitiful. That’s just plain pitiful.
Los voy cambiando. —Lamentable. Sencillamente lamentable.
It was a pitiful meal.
Era una comida lamentable.
Their hygiene was pitiful.
Su higiene era lamentable.
And more was the pity.
Y era doblemente lamentable.
It was a pitiful effort.
Fue un esfuerzo lamentable.
Krewes are pitiful.
—Los equipos son algo lamentable.
“You’re in a pitiful state.
—Tienes un aspecto lamentable.
This is all a pitiful life.
—Qué vida lamentable.
It's oedipal and pitiful.
Es edípico y lamentable.
Pitiful. The detectives were regarding her with pity.
Lamentable. Los policías la miraban con lástima.
That explains the failure of last week's summit, which was convened to assess compliance with the modest commitments entered into to fulfil the Millennium Development Goals and which ended as a pitiful imitation of what should have been a serious and committed debate concerning the grave problems currently besetting humankind.
Esto explica el fracaso de la cumbre de la pasada semana, que se convocó para evaluar el cumplimiento de los modestos compromisos asumidos en las metas de desarrollo del milenio y terminó siendo un lastimoso remedo de lo que debió ser un debate serio y comprometido con los graves problemas que hoy sufre la humanidad.
They are pitiful beings.
Son unos seres lastimosos.
Pitiful Blood Mage...
Lastimoso Mago de Sangre...
Now that's pitiful.
Eso es lastimoso.
You think I'm pitiful
Crees que soy lastimoso.
That is pitiful, Adam.
Ese es lastimoso, Adam.
What a pitiful lie!
¡Qué mentira más lastimosa!
- Ming the Pitiful?
- ¿Ming el Lastimoso?
Do I look so pitiful?
¿Parezco tan lastimosa?
You are so pitiful
Usted es tan lastimoso
He’s in a pitiful state.”
Está en un estado lastimoso.
It was pitiful, and ridiculous.
Era lastimoso, ridículo.
Were they so pitiful?
—¿Tan lastimosos eran?
How pitiful you are, Darkblade.
¡Qué lastimoso eres, Darkblade!
The world was in pitiful shape.
El mundo se hallaba en un estado lastimoso.
He was simply pitiful.
Era sencillamente un ser lastimoso.
A solitary, pitiful drunkard.
En un solitario y lastimoso borracho.
he would’ve made a pitiful wolf.
habría sido un lobo lastimoso.
This time it was really pitiful to behold.
Esa vez era verdaderamente lastimoso.
His lack of character is pitiful.
Su falta de personalidad es lastimosa.
- into the fraternity of the pitiful?
- en la fraternidad de los despreciables?
Don't feel pity for me... it's miserable
No sientas pena por mí ... Es despreciable.
Such a pitiful fucker.
Menudo cabrón despreciable.
You pitiful, insignificant fools!
¡Necios despreciables e insignificantes!
What a pitiful advocate you are!
- ¿Qué despreciable abogado es usted?
So pitiful and pale.
Tan despreciable y mediocre.
Now you're just pitiful.
Ahora solo eres despreciable.
- Die, pitiful fools!
- ¡Morid, despreciables imbéciles!
Really pitiful fucker.
Todo un cabrón despreciable.
Nobody likes the pitiful.
A nadie le gusta lo despreciable.
Pitiful on a platform,’ said Carslake. ‘Quite pitiful.
Despreciable sobre un estrado —dijo Carslake—. Totalmente despreciable.
“What a pitiful thing you are!”
¡Eres una cosa despreciable!
How fatal and pitiful and terrible!
¡Hora fatal, despreciable y terrible!
That freedman was murdered despite my pitiful efforts.
—Asesinaron al liberto a pesar de mis despreciables esfuerzos.
For several minutes, he sat in abject self-pity.
Durante varios minutos lo agobió aquella despreciable autoconmiseración.
Pitiful, corrupt...all you care about ith awful women
Despreciables, corrompidos…, lo único que os interesa son las mujeres malas…
"It isn't so. I know. You feel sorry for the pitiful bastard.
—No es así. Yo lo sé. Sientes lástima por ese despreciable bastardo.
It was a pitiful performance and he had never forgiven Jack Aubrey.
Había actuado de forma despreciable y por eso nunca olvidaría a Jack Aubrey.
That pitiful man—dominated by my mother—had the guts to wear Boots!...
Ese hombre despreciable… dominado por mi madre… ¡tenía las agallas de llevar botas!
You think to murder my Padawan merely to fulfill your pitiful ambitions.
Querías matar a mi padawan simplemente para satisfacer tus despreciables ambiciones.
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