Translation for "as even" to spanish
Translation examples
And even if part of the damage is reparable, it would be at an unnecessarily or even unaffordably high price.
E incluso aunque parte de los daños sean reparables, lo serían con un costo elevado innecesario, o incluso prohibitivo.
There are even considerable shortcomings.
Incluso hay considerables deficiencias.
Some had even been assassinated.
Algunos de ellos incluso han sido asesinados.
This applies even in the absence of a will and even despite a will to the contrary.
Esto se aplica incluso en la ausencia de un testamento e incluso a pesar de un testamento que diga lo contrario.
She even advocated;
incluso preconizó,
There has even been some regression.
Hay, incluso, retrocesos.
Even that, however, is not enough.
Sin embargo, incluso eso no basta.
Some are even critical.
Algunos incluso critican.
(d) Offering, even without payment, even not publicly, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly;
d) La oferta, incluso a título gratuito, incluso no públicamente, de cualquier forma que sea, directa o indirectamente; y
Many have even become worse.
Muchos incluso se han agravado.
I have never so much as even touched a gun my entire life!
Tengo nunca tanto como incluso tocado un arma toda mi vida!
Bound to my idea as even these tables do set it forth They are images also, just part of the whole idea.
ligado a mi idea como incluso seguir adelante con esas tablas también son imagenes,precisamente parte de la idea global.
But as even Europeans understood, the greatest of the absolute monarchs weren't in Europe at all.
Pero como incluso los europeos entendido, el más grande de la absoluta monarcas no estaban en Europa en absoluto.
Even now, even this.
Incluso ahora, incluso para esto.
Even now, even now .
Incluso ahora, incluso ahora…
Even here, even now.
Incluso allí, incluso en ese momento.
Even the government, even the barristers!
¡Incluso el gobierno, incluso los abogados!
Even dragons, even Aspects.
Incluso los dragones, incluso los Aspectos.
Even a few views, even one ...
Incluso algunas escenas, incluso una sola...
Even unto treason, even unto death.
Incluso en la traición, incluso en la muerte.
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