Exemples de traduction
Come ando' a finire?
How'd that go?
Ok, e come ando'?
Okay, how'd that go?
- Da chi ando'?
Who did she go to?
Beh, dove ando'?
Well, where did he go?
Non ando' con lei?
You didn't go with her?
- non ando' molto bene.
- Cosa? Come ando'?
- How'd it go?
Non ando' bene.
It didn't go well.
Wade ando' in prigione?
Did Wade go to jail?
Dev'essere quando ando' al casino'.
This must be the night he went to the casino.
Ando' a Gaza solo perche' voleva essere informato meglio.
He only went to Gaza because he wanted to be better informed.
Ando' alla scuola serale per imparare, come te.
He wanted to learn at night school, like you want to be a doctor.
Doveva essere lui, ma qualcosa ando' storto.
It was supposed to be him, but they made a mistake.
Ogni occasione di essere riformati ando' in fumo.
Any chance of us being reformed went up in flames.
Q ando posso trovarlo?
When will he be back?
Vaia recuperarela cretina! A' come te chiami? Ando' vai?
Hey what's-your-face, quit being an idiot.
Susan se ne ando' e lascio' Jacob quando tuo padre era solo... un ragazzino.
Susan run off and left Jacob. And when your daddy was just a... a young'un.
- Michael ando' a scuola per convincere suo figlio a non candidarsi.
Michael arrived at school to talk his son out of running for office.
Comunque, ando' che mi imbattei ancora una volta in Annie.
Interestingly, however, I did run into Annie again.
In "Cappuccetto Rosso", un lupo ando' nel bosco e fu preda di una ragazzina sgarbata.
In Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf enters the woods and is menaced by a rude little girl.
# Yankey Doodle ando' in citta' cavalcando un pony... #
Yankee Doodle went to town A riding' on a pony
Il mercante presto' il suo cavallo al servo e... il servo ando' a Samarra, a 110 chilometri, il piu' velocemente possibile.
So the merchant lends the servant his horse and... the servant rides to Samarra, 70 miles away, as fast as he can.
- Poi se ne ando'.
- Then she walked.
Rise e ando' via per asciugarsi. Fu..
And just walked away.
Fece qualche nome e se ando'.
He gave up some names and then walked.
Lo insabbio'. Il tizio se ne ando'.
The guy walked away.
"Ando' per i boschi, cercandolo...
She went walking in the woods. Looking for it.
Zuri se ne ando'.
Zuri walked away.
Se ne ando' via.
She walked away.
Poi si giro' e se ne ando'.
Then he just turned and walked away.
Ando' verso il suo zaino... tiro' fuori la bomba... e ando' proprio li'.
He walked to his backpack... Pulled out the bomb... And he walked right over there...
E se ne ando'.
And he walked out.
La famiglia Potts del Kent ando' nelle Isole del Canale nel 1939.
The Potts family from Kent travelled to the Channel Islands in 1939.
Quindi tornai in UK, e nessuno mi fermo', quindi ando' tutto bene.
And so it was I traveled back to the United Kingdom, and, as it happened, nobody stopped me so itwas all cool.
Stella del Cane ando' sul Paha Sapa, il centro di tutte le cose.
Dog Star travelled to Paha Sapa, the heart of all things. BLACK HILLS, LAKOTA NATION
Joel Brandt ando' ad Aleppo in Siria e l'11 giugno 1944 incontro' un rappresentante dell'Agenzia Ebraica.
Joel Brand travelled to Aleppo in Syria and on the 11th of June 1944 met with a representative of the Jewish Agency.
Eichmann aveva promesso che il treno sarebbe arrivato nella Svizzera neutrale, ma non ando' cosi'.
Eichmann had promised that the train would travel to neutral Switzerland, but it didn't.
A parte il fatto che James ando' a finire in un pozzo...
And apart from James driving into a village well...
Ed ecco come ando'.
And it went like this...
Non ando' cosi', superstar.
♪ Living on Tulsa time ♪ Not exactly, super star, it was more like this.
- Non ando' proprio cosi'.
- It didn't really happen like that.
Quel fine settimana ando' cosi'.
That was the weekend. I didn't like that at all.
- Come quando Rocky ando' in Russia!
Like that time rocky went to russia.
Lo sceriffo ando' da lui dicendo:
Sheriff rolls up on him he's like:
Ma non ando' proprio cosi'.
It didn't quite work out that way.
Beh, a tua madre ando' bene.
Well, it worked out very well for your mother.
A lui non ando' molto bene.
Didn't work too well for him.
Con lui non ando' molto bene.
Uh... That didn't work out so well.
A lui ando' bene.
It worked for him.
Se non ricordo male, ti ando' bene.
If I recall, that worked out for you.
Ma non ando' cosi'.
It didn't work out.
Entro' in casa, ando' direttamente dalla nonna, e se la mangio'.
He stepped inside, went straight to the grandmother and ate her up.
Ando' in Vietnam, mise il piede su una mina, si sfregio' orribilmente la faccia.
Went to Vietnam, stepped on a land mine, scarred his face horribly.
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