Translation for "sabíamos" to english
Translation examples
Sabíamos cómo se sentían, sabemos cómo se sienten.
We knew how they felt; we know how they feel.
Pero pocos sabíamos cuán urgente y actual se tornaría esta iniciativa en poco tiempo.
But little did we know how urgent and topical this initiative would become within a very short time.
Le aseguramos que todos sabíamos realmente lo que estábamos haciendo al reelegirlo.
We assure him that we do all indeed know what we are doing in reappointing him.
Una de las razones por las que hoy tenemos problemas en las ciudades es que hasta hace muy poco no sabíamos -o no queríamos saber- lo que sucedía en ellas y no estábamos preparados para el cambio.
One of the reasons we are in trouble today in the city is that until very recently we either did not know, or did not care, what was happening to it, and so were not prepared for the changes.
Eso lo sabíamos todos.
We all know that.
No sabíamos qué hacer con él, y finalmente el 30 de mayo fue destruido.
We didn't know what to do with it, and on 30 May this nuclear device was destroyed.
Cuando iniciamos la elaboración del Programa hace aproximadamente cuatro años, no sabíamos muy bien dónde iban a conducirnos nuestros esfuerzos.
When we embarked upon the elaboration of the Agenda some four years ago, little did we know where our efforts would lead.
Sabíamos entonces, como sabemos hoy, que era una tarea ambiciosa y onerosa.
We knew then, as we know today, that that was an ambitious and onerous undertaking.
No sabíamos nada.
We didn't know.
—No lo sabíamos, no lo sabíamos —se lamentaban las almas.
We didn’t know, we didn’t know, the voices of the souls wailed.
He dicho que no lo sabíamos pero sí, quizá lo sabíamos.
I say we did not know but yes perhaps we did know.
Pero no lo sabíamos.
But we didn’t know.
Eso ya lo sabíamos.
We know that already.
– Eso ya lo sabíamos, ¿no?
“Don’t we know that?”
Nosotros no sabíamos eso.
We did not know this.
—Pero nosotros no lo sabíamos.
'But we didn't know that.
Sabíamos que la creación de un clima económico estable resultaba esencial para todo intento serio de desarrollo.
We realized that the creation of a stable economic environment was essential for any meaningful development.
No sabíamos que asistiría.
We didn't realize you were coming.
No sabíamos que habría comida.
We didn't realize there was gonna be dinner.
No sabíamos que ésta era tu casa.
Hey, We didn't realize this was your place,
- No sabíamos que era... - ¡Espere!
I didn't realize...
No sabíamos qué tenía de malo.
We didn't even realize how bad it was.
No sabíamos que estaba prohibido.
We didn't realize that was forbidden.
No sabíamos que era... invidente.
We didn't realize that you were, uh... non-sighted.
No sabíamos que estabas aquí.
We didn't realize you were here.
- Perdone... no sabíamos.
- Sorry, we didn't realize...
No lo sabíamos cuando empezamos a salir.
We didn't realize it when we started dating.
—No sabíamos que fuimos tan… planeados.
“We did not realize we were so… planned.”
—No sabíamos que estabas discutiendo con tu flecha.
“We didn’t realize you were arguing with your arrow.
Debíamos darnos cuenta de que no sabíamos nada.
We had to realize that we knew nothing.
—No sabíamos que había una niña —repuso Barbara.
“We didn’t realize there was a child,” Barbara said.
—No sabíamos que estábamos tan cerca de Adelante.
We did not realize we were so near Forwards,
—Majestad, no sabíamos que hubierais salido esta noche.
“Your Highness, we hadn’t realized you’d gone out tonight.”
Sabíamos que el yeerk intentaría transformarse, así que estábamos alerta.
We realized the Yeerk would try morphing. So we were ready.
No sabiamos con presición, si no hubiese sido por esa llamada extraña.
We Taste in the dark. We only got that call.
Ambos sabíamos que era poco probable: nuestros gustos musicales eran muy distintos.
We both knew this was very unlikely: our musical tastes were pretty different.
Sabíamos al calor más blanco del fuego más cercano al suelo, donde arden casi todas las cosas.
We tasted like the whitest heat of a fire closest to the ground where most things burn.
Aunque sabíamos en forma general cómo describir los ingredientes químicos esenciales para nuestro cuerpo, ninguno de nosotros había estudiado en detalle el complejo proceso bioquímico que tiene lugar cuando saboreamos algo.
Although we knew generally how to describe the essential chemical ingredients our bodies needed, none of us had ever studied in detail the complex biochemical process that takes place when we taste something.
Los Rhythm Kings ya habían celebrado sesiones de grabación en agosto de 1922 y marzo de 1923 cuando en julio de 1923 contrataron a Morton como pianista y compositor para su siguiente cita. «Hacíamos todo lo posible por copiar la música de color que habíamos oído en Nueva Orleans», recordaría más tarde Paul Mares, organizador del grupo. «Lo hacíamos lo mejor que sabíamos, pero naturalmente no éramos capaces de tocar en el auténtico estilo de color»[37]. En el caso de Mares, sus mordaces solos en el registro medio de la corneta reflejan la influencia de su coetáneo Joe «King» Oliver, cuyo grupo grabó sus primeros discos en Chicago sólo unos meses después de las primeras grabaciones de los Rhythm Kings. Pese a ser rítmicamente menos emocionantes que la King Oliver Creole Band, los New Orleans Rhythm Kings hacían gala de un sólido trabajo de conjunto, de un seguro sentido del swing, especialmente en los tiempos intermedios, y de los impresionantes diseños clarinetísticos de Leon Roppolo.
Jelly Roll continued to record frequently during the remainder of the 1920s. The members of his band changed regularly, but, regardless of the sidemen or the evolving musical tastes of the American public, Morton’s ensembles were at their best when working within the aesthetic constraints of the classic New Orleans idiom. Noteworthy Morton recordings from the 1920s include an invigorating 1927 trio session with clarinetist Johnny Dodds and drummer Baby Dodds, a tantalizing 1924 duet date with King Oliver, and Morton’s 1923 work with the New Orleans Rhythm Kings—a historic event that not only produced fine music but served as a milestone in countering the segregation of black and white jazz players in the recording studio—as well as ongoing performances as a solo pianist. As with so many of the artists from this period, Morton’s recording career came to a sudden halt with the Great Depression, but even under happier economic circumstances his music would almost certainly have fallen out of favor. Jazz had become a soloist’s music, and the structured, collectivist aesthetic of Morton’s finest work was not in keeping with the prevailing tone of the Swing Era.
¿Hasta qué punto sabía de nosotros nuestra madre cuando nosotros no sabíamos nada de ella?
How conscious of us had our mother been when we were unconscious of her?
Nos ordenábamos de manera menos clara y sabia que los machos, pero sabíamos quién mandaba a quién.
We ordered ourselves in less clear and less conscious wise than the males, but we knew who ruled over whom.
Los colegios públicos ingleses tienen nombres como Radley, Repton, Charterhouse, Sherborne y Stowe (por no mencionar Eton y Harrow, a los que sabíamos que no podíamos aspirar), y era normal discutir los méritos relativos de esos destinos tan conscientes del estatus.
English public schools have names like Radley and Repton and Charterhouse and Sherborne and Stowe (not to mention the Eton and Harrow to which we knew we could not aspire), and it was quite the done thing to debate the relative merits of these status-conscious destinations.
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