Translation for "problemas plantean" to english
Translation examples
Todos esos problemas plantean serios desafíos a las Naciones Unidas y a la comunidad internacional en su conjunto.
All these problems pose a serious challenge to the United Nations and to the international community as a whole.
Estos problemas plantean grandes retos a las Naciones Unidas.
23. Those problems posed major challenges for the United Nations.
Se pregunta qué problemas plantean esa evolución y la recepción de migrantes y qué motivos impulsan a los iraquíes a emigrar a Suecia.
He asked about the problems posed by that trend and the reception of migrants, and the reasons why Iraqis were emigrating to Sweden.
Sin embargo, esos problemas plantean una amenaza a la institución del asilo en su conjunto y a la credibilidad del sistema de protección internacional.
However, those problems posed a threat to the institution of asylum as a whole and to the credibility of the system of international protection.
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