Translation examples
Esto es notable.
This is remarkable.
La amplitud y complejidad de esos programas es notable.
The breadth and complexity of these programmes is remarkable.
En muchos planos, los progresos han sido notables.
On many levels, progress has been remarkable.
Estos notables resultados comprenden lo siguiente:
These remarkable achievements include the fact that:
Este es un éxito notable.
This is a remarkable success.
Sus contribuciones han sido notables.
His contribution has been remarkable.
Se obtuvieron resultados notables.
The results obtained have been remarkable.
Este es un logro notable.
This is a remarkable achievement.
Este es, en sí mismo, un éxito notable.
This is a remarkable achievement in itself.
Por ello, este ha sido un año notable.
So this has been a remarkable year.
Usted es notable.
You're remarkable.
Esto es notable, bastante notable! Doctor.
It's remarkable, truly remarkable!
Él es notable.
He's remarkable.
¿Qué es notable?
What's remarkable?
- Es algo notable.
- It's remarkable.
Eso es notable.
That's remarkable.
Ella es notable.
She's remarkable.
Notable —murmuró el alcalde—. Muy notable.
"Remarkable," the Mayor murmured. "Most remarkable."
—¡Qué marca notable ha logrado usted! ¡Muy notable!
"Remarkable record you've made. Quite remarkable.
Sí, es algo notable.
Yes, it is remarkable.
Notable, sumamente notable -musitó el tío Andrés-.
Remarkable, most remarkable,” muttered Uncle Andrew.
No hay nada muy notable en mí.
It is nothing at all remarkable.
Nada más de notable.
Nothing else was remarkable.
¿Quién…? —¡Muy notable! —susurró Khumeni—. ¡Realmente notable!
‘Who …?’ ‘Most remarkable!’ Khumeni whispered gruffly. ‘Remarkable indeed!
Sin embargo, hay algunas excepciones notables.
However, there are some notable exceptions.
El caso de Botswana es notable.
The case of Botswana is notable.
2 Hay algunas notables excepciones.
2 There are some notable exceptions.
Hubo algunos éxitos notables.
There were some notable successes.
Los cambios más notables fueron los siguientes:
The most notable changes included:
El progreso logrado en Asia es notable.
Progress in Asia is notable.
La más notable de ellas es el Parlamento Centroamericano.
Most notable of these is the Central American Parliament.
Evidentemente, hay notables excepciones.
There are, indeed, notable exceptions.
Entre las más notables cabe mencionar:
Some of the most notable are:
58. Logros más notables:
58. Most notable achievements:
Dada su notable servicio
Given his notable service
¡Algo notable y nuevo!
Something notable and new!
Menores, pero definitivamente notables.
Minor, but definitely notable.
Con una notable excepción.
With one notable exception.
- ...notable precursor de...
- notable forerunner of--
- Una ausencia notable, sí.
Notably absent, yes.
El parecido es notable.
The likeness is notable.
Es una notable coincidencia
"it's a notable coincidence
-Con una excepción notable. -Notable. -Kimmuriel se mostró de acuerdo-.
"With notable exception." "Notable," Kimmuriel agreed.
¿No es algo notable?
Is that not a notable thing?
Ante todo los notables.
Briefly, the notables.
Era una victoria notable.
It was a notable victory.
Los siguientes son notables:
The following are notable:
Es un hecho notable.
It is a notable fact.
La coreografía es notable.
The choreography is notable.
Con algunas notables omisiones.
With some notable omissions.
13. Se han observado adelantos notables.
13. Noticeable developments have been seen.
Esta tendencia es particularmente notable en las economías emergentes
This trend is particularly noticeable in emerging economies,
Se ha registrado un aumento notable de la actividad económica.
There is a noticeable increase in economic activities.
También se registra una notable ausencia de ganado en la campiña.
There is also a noticeable absence of livestock in the countryside.
2. La ausencia de recursos y financiación ha sido notable.
2. Funding and financing were noticeably absent.
Eso se debió a la notable disminución registrada en Colombia.
This was driven by noticeable decrease in cultivation in Colombia.
Hubo una notable reducción del brote de cólera en el país.
24. There was a noticeable decline in the outbreak of cholera in the country.
En los últimos cuatro años ha habido un cambio notable.
The shift over the past four years has been noticeable.
Sin embargo, no ha tenido como resultado ningún aumento notable en la productividad.
It has not, however, resulted in any noticeable increase in productivity.
La ausencia de recursos y financiación ha sido notable.
:: Funding and financing were noticeably absent.
¿Fue notable, papá?
Was it noticeable, Father?
Hay una diferencia notable.
There's a noticeable difference.
Su ausencia es notable.
Their absence is noticeable.
Soy una persona notable.
I'm very much a noticeable person.
Paro aun así notable.
But still noticeable.
Es lo más notable.
It's the most noticeable thing.
- Es menos notable.
- It's less noticeable.
Representará una diferencia notable.
It will make a noticeable difference.
Además , no es tan notable
Besides, it's not that noticeable.
No, nada notable, señor.
No, nothing noticeable, sir.
Una notable mejoría.
“A noticeable improvement.”
+++ La semejanza es notable, sí +++
+++ The similarity is noticeable, yes +++
pero con un pecho notable.
thin when young but with a noticeable bosom.
Era una sonrisa realmente notable.
It was the smile that was most noticeable.
Advertirá en él una notable mejoría.
You will notice a marked improvement.
El saludo fue devuelto, pero con notable frialdad.
The nod was returned, but with noticeable coolness.
No sabía que fueran tan notables.
I had not realized they were so noticeable.
– El librero no mostraba reacciones notables.
The book dealer did not react noticeably.
Estaba sentado de una forma notable, inhalando.
He was sitting in a noticeable fashion, inhaling.
También se logró una mejora notable en Les Cayes.
A marked improvement was also achieved in Les Cayes.
Sin embargo, hay diferencias notables entre los países.
However, marked differences exist among countries.
Existe un notable desequilibrio entre las zonas con respecto a la distribución de esas escuelas.
There is a marked zonal disparity in the distribution of these schools.
Esto ha tenido como resultado un aumento notable en la matriculación escolar.
This has resulted in a marked increase in enrolment.
Entre las regiones existen diferencias notables en cuanto a la fecundidad.
There are marked regional differences in fertility.
Esto es más notable entre las islas pequeñas muy dispersas en el Pacífico.
This is most marked in the widely dispersed small islands of the Pacific.
Los efectos de la urbanización son más notables en las ciudades más grandes.
5. The impact of urbanization is most marked in the largest cities.
Ha habido algunos éxitos notables y, lamentablemente, algunos fracasos.
There have been some marked successes and, regrettably, some failures.
Se ha producido un cambio notable en la composición de la financiación de la UNODC.
A marked shift occurred in the UNODC funding composition.
Estas sesiones tuvieron un efecto notable en el rendimiento de los estudiantes.
Those sessions had a marked impact on students' performance.
- ...verá, que experimentamos un notable...
-'ll see that we've experienced a marked...
Notable en dogma y en moralidad.
And you? I got top marks today in dogma, and in morals.
Y muestra un notable aumento durante los últimos meses.
And it showed marked improvement over the last few months.
¿Cómo borro archivos como este de aquí, pensiones notables?
How do I erase files like this one here, marked pensions?
Esperamos ver una notable mejora en la educacion de justin.
We expect to see a marked improvement in Justin's upbringing.
¿Alguna marca notable?
Any identifying marks?
Una notable mejora. Bien hecho.
Marked improvement, Mr Calamy.
Hay una diferencia notable aqui.
Mark loosens up after he thinks we've stopped recording.
Las diferencias son notables.
The differences are marked.
Pero había una diferencia notable.
But there’s one marked difference.
Eso ya supone una notable ventaja sobre algunos de nosotros.
A marked advantage over some of us.
Mark se levantó con notable flema.
Mark stood up calmly enough.
Balzac tenía una notable preferencia por Rastignac.
Balzac had a marked predilection for Rastignac.
—El profesor Buckingham se marchó con notable prisa.
Professor Buckingham departed with marked haste.
Ni en cuanto a sus notables diferencias con el túnel.
And about its marked difference from the space of the tunnel.
Algunos de los más notables son los siguientes:
Some of the most noteworthy of those challenges are:
Los efectos socioeconómicos de esas actividades son notables.
The socioeconomic impact of such activities is noteworthy.
El ejemplo de Mauricio es notable.
The example of Mauritius is noteworthy.
20. Realizaciones notables:
20. Noteworthy achievements:
Entre estas dificultades las más notables son:
The most noteworthy of such difficulties are:
Los más notables de estos programas son los siguientes:
The most noteworthy of these programmes are the following:
La evolución en África es especialmente notable.
The development in Africa is particularly noteworthy.
B. Actividades notables
B. Noteworthy undertakings
a) Rendimiento notable en el desempeño del cargo;
(a) Achievement of noteworthy accomplishments;
No hay nada notable en este pueblo.
Nothing noteworthy about this town.
¿Ahora, eso no es notable?
Now doesn't that strike you as noteworthy?
Dije que era notable.
I said it was noteworthy.
Sí, es raro y notable.
Yeah, it's rare and noteworthy.
- Lo que ha dicho la señora es muy notable.
The ladies words are most noteworthy.
¿Hashechoalgo notable, mencionable
Have you done anything noteworthy, mentionable?
Tus logros han sido notables.
Your accomplishments have been noteworthy.
No es un delito muy notable. Non.
Not a very noteworthy crime.
¡Notables, sed bienvenidos! ¡Hombres, sed bienvenidos!
You the noteworthy, welcome.
- ¿Es eso portentoso o simplemente notable?
- Is that portentous or merely noteworthy?
Todo logros notables.
All noteworthy accomplishments.
No menos notables son las diferencias.
The differences are no less noteworthy.
La notable idea de Whelpdale triunfó;
Whelpdale's noteworthy idea triumphed;
La de hoy, sin embargo, no era una defunción notable.
Today’s, however, was not a noteworthy death.
Pero quizá la rosa no pareció notable para ellos.
But perhaps the rose didn’t seem noteworthy to them.
Lo notable es que no sea un loco furioso o no se haya suicidado.
“What’s noteworthy is that you’re not a raving madman and haven’t committed suicide.”
No había nada en las historias acerca de sus poderes o de su notable ausencia de ellos.
There had been nothing in the histories about her powers or their noteworthy absence.
Lo único notable era que esa estupidez me revelaba una oscura voluntad de supervivencia.
The only noteworthy thing about this was that it showed an obscure wish to survive.
Por lo menos para él no significaba nada, aunque en aquel hombre parecía hacer un notable efecto.
At least not to him, but the effect on the man in front of him was noteworthy.
Los SRI son un ejemplo notable de la importancia de las redes de información.
The CRS are a striking example of the importance of information networks.
Un ejemplo notable de ello es el cambio climático.
A striking example of that is climate change.
Lo más notable es el aumento de la pobreza urbana.
What is particularly striking is the increase of urban poverty.
El aumento del número de familias monoparentales también es notable.
The increase in single-parent families is also striking.
No obstante, las diferencias en estas tasas son notables.
Nevertheless, one of the striking features is the diversity of these rates.
Esta realidad es especialmente notable en el caso de los jóvenes.
This reality is especially striking for young people.
Un caso notable es el de la subcontratación en las actividades de elaboración en el exterior.
A striking case is that of subcontracting in offshore processing activities.
Este esfuerzo es particularmente notable en las zonas fronterizas.
The most striking example of its efforts was found in the border areas.
27. Otro aspecto notable de la situación de los niños es la pobreza.
27. Another striking aspect of the situation of children is poverty.
Un avance notable, Sra. Wannop.
A striking advance, Mrs Wannop.
Realmente es una notable propiedad.
It really is a striking property.
Hay un parecido notable, ¿no?
I mean, there's a striking resemblance, isn't it?
Este notable retrato.
This striking portrait.
Notable coincidencia, ¿no le parece?
A striking coincidence, would you not say?
Aunque el parecido es notable
Striking resemblance though
- Soy más notable que precioso.
- I'm more striking than lovely.
Tu notable parecido a Jodie Foster.
Your striking resemblance to Jodie Foster.
Las simultaneidades son notables.
The synchronicities are striking.
Una mujer de una belleza notable.
A woman of striking beauty.
—Es un retrato notable, ¿no le parece?
“It’s a striking picture,”
Su parecido con el padre es notable.
His resemblance to his father is striking.
En Londres habría sido una obra notable;
It would have been striking in London;
—preguntó el más notable de los dos.
asked the more striking one of the two.
El parecido es notable, ¿no crees?
“The resemblance is striking, wouldn’t you say?”
Su característica más notable eran sus ojos;
His most striking feature was his eyes;
Pero en Dostoyevski hay algo todavía más notable.
But there is something more striking still about Dostoevski.
Es la apertura de espíritu lo que me impresiona en este notable.
On the contrary, what strikes me is the nobleman’s open mind.
Fueron notables las denuncias de detenciones y allanamientos sin los fundamentos jurídicos adecuados, por parte de miembros del Ejército y de la Fiscalía.
Reports of arrests and mass searches carried out without an appropriate legal basis by members of the army and the Attorney-General's Office continued.
Es notable que en una serie de estos casos la detención o el encarcelamiento fueron precedidos por una redada en la casa o la oficina o por una acción sumaria en lugares públicos.
It should also be noted that, in a number of these cases, arrest or detention was either preceded by a raid on home or office or by summary action in public places.
La detención y posterior traslado a La Haya del ex Presidente Milosević, representan un acontecimiento notable a ese respecto.
The arrest and subsequent transfer to the Hague of former President Milošević is a major development in this area.
Todo ello indica una notable mejora en los servicios médicos y terapéuticos que se brindan a los niños árabes que sufren discapacidades o problemas de retraso en el desarrollo.
This indicates significant progress in medical and therapeutic services for disabled Arab children and Arab children who suffer from arrested development.
"Notable matón arrestado"
Notorious thug arrested
Aelita, por orden de los notables, ese hombre de la Tierra debe ser arrestado.
Aelita, on the "Elders'" orders, this Earthman is under arrest.
Y Clarissa tiene un expediente notable por ser tan joven.
And Clarissa has quite an arrest record for a young girl.
–En cuyo caso -adujo Yugurta, sin ceder-, el único magistrado con autoridad para arrestar a mi notable es el pretor de extranjeros.
“In which case,” said Jugurtha, still fighting, “the only magistrate who can arrest my baron is the foreign praetor.
—Y eso es todo lo que se le ocurre hacer, después de lo que acaba de suceder, detener a uno de mis amigos, a un compañero, más bien, en fin, uno de los notables de Concarneau, un hombre que…
‘And the best you can do, after what’s happened, is arrest a friend of mine – an associate, rather – and one of Concarneau’s distinguished citizens?’
La voz era tan notable que, aunque se la oyera por primera vez sin ver a su dueño, uno no podía menos de preguntarse de quién se trataba.
The voice had such an arresting quality that, even though you heard it for the first time without seeing the speaker, you would wonder to whom it belonged.
Es evidente que el señor Marsham sugirió (o tal vez incluso insistió en llevar a cabo) revisiones notables, y en absoluto sorprendentes, pues la casa que Tull le diseñó encerraba diversas y llamativas peculiaridades.
Mr Marsham evidently suggested (or perhaps even insisted upon) some substantial revisions, and not altogether surprisingly, for the house that Tull designed for him contained a number of arresting peculiarities.
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