Translation for "mantecosa" to english
Translation examples
"Mantecosa y deliciosa"
"buttery and delicious."
"abusivo," "humillante," "tiranico" y "mantecoso."
"abusive," "humiliating," "tyrannical" and "buttery."
Uh, es mantecosa y deliciosa.
Uh, it's buttery and delicious.
¿Quizás un poco de gruyere mantecoso?
Maybe some buttery Gruyère?
Pero es mantecosa.
But it's buttery.
Muy mantecoso y hojaldrado.
So buttery. Flaky.
- Rodaballo con nieve mantecosa...
- Turbot with buttery snow...
Mantecosa y dulce.
Buttery a-and sweet.
Nada mantecoso al respecto.
Nothing buttery about it.
Nen Guerra "pezón mantecosa" '
Nen "buttery nipple" War '
Es perfecta, mantecosa y fresca.
It's perfect, buttery and cool.
Su cuerpo era blando, casi mantecoso.
Its body was soft, almost buttery.
La galleta era mantecosa y francamente buena.
The biscuit was buttery and really very good.
El johnnycake se convirtió en fragmentos mantecosos en su boca.
Johnnycake turned to buttery fragments in her mouth.
-Probé primero el panecillo, que estaba tierno y mantecoso.
I tried a bite of roll first, tender and buttery.
Unas bolitas de masa fritas, muy crujientes y mantecosas.
Balls of baked dough, all crumbly and buttery. Delicious.
En verano brillan siempre con una luz mantecosa.
It’s such a fat buttery light that drips from them in summer time.
El olor a palomitas, un hedor mantecoso a pies, le abruma.
The smell of pop corn, a buttery stink of feet, overwhelms him.
Bajó la mirada a su tarta y se tragó un bocado mantecoso.
She looked down at her pastry, swallowed a buttery mouthful.
eran tan crujientes y mantecosos…, y hoy calentarían sus entrañas.
they were so crumby and buttery and today would warm her insides.
Habían tomado un tazón de leche de cabra y un sandwich de queso mantecoso mientras esperaban al taxista. El Coronel Mindreau les había dicho a las ocho y media.
They’d had a big cup of goat’s milk and sandwiches made with greasy cheese. Now they were waiting for Don Jerónimo and his taxi to take them out to the base, where Colonel Mindreau said he would see them at eight-thirty.
Observé la nuca de Otello: bajo sus rubios cabellos cortados a cepillo entreveía la piel rosácea, mantecosa, tierna, y me llegaba el aroma a jabón suave que desprendía. Todo contrastaba con la nuca delgada de Luciano, untada de brillantina, sus grandes orejas, pálidas y transparentes como membranas, de viejo.
I looked at the back of Otello’s neck. Beneath his blond hair, cut short, I could make out the plump, pink, tender skin. I breathed in the odour of good soap he gave off, and remembered, by contrast, Luciano’s scrawny neck, greasy with brilliantine, his big, pale, translucent, wafery ears, a bit like an old man’s.
Por el Muchacho Mantecoso.
To Lardy Boy.
- ¡Haz una dieta, gorda mantecosa!
- Go on a diet, you lardy cow!
el mantecoso pubescente que salía a pasear su (triste) alma por ahí, o que iba a cascársela al bosque;
the lardy pubescent, out on soul-rambles (i.e. sulks), or off for a wank in the woods;
Es gorda, con una obesidad dura, mantecosa, firme, y sin lugar a dudas inquebrantablemente jovial.
She is fat, with a hard, lardy, confident fatness, and under all questioning unshakeably good-humoured.
Él mira fijamente a su ayudante, que tiene los ojos como perdigones enterrados en las mantecosas mejillas y desprende un olor insalubre.
He stares down at his deputy, who has eyes like little shotgun pellets buried in his lardy white cheeks and a dry unwholesome reek about him.
«El único “pero” que me interesa es el pero mantecoso sobre el que estás sentada.1 Sé que me odiarás por esto, pero me ha quedado meridianamente claro que no puedo hacer mi trabajo y conseguir que pierdas peso a menos que controle tu entorno.»
— The only butt I’m interested in is that lardy one you’re sitting on. You are going to hate me for this, but it’s become manifestly clear to me that I cannot do my job and get you to lose weight unless I can control your environment.
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