Translation for "desafiaste" to english
Translation examples
¿Me desafiaste con esos zapatos?
You challenged me in those shoes?
Entonces, ¿cómo los desafiaste?
So how did you challenge them?
Así que no. ¿No desafiaste a Lyytinen?
So... no, you don't challenge Lyytinen?
Tú me desafiaste, ¿recuerdas?
You challenged me, remember?
Me desafiaste constantemente.
- You challenged me, constantly.
¿Desafiaste al conde lblis?
You challenged Count Iblis?
Y ese día que me desafiaste.
And on that day challenging me.
-Nada. Desafiaste a Lillienfield por pruebas.
You challenged Lillienfield for evidence.
—Aun así, lo desafiaste.
Even so, you did challenge him.
¿Lo desafiaste primero? —Se me olvidó.
Did you challenge him first?” “I forgot.
—Le desafiaste a que te dijera de dónde venía.
You challenged him on where it came from.
Me desafiaste a emularte y yo no sabía cómo.
You challenged me to emulate you, and I didn’t know how.”
—El guardia dijo que tuvo que aturdirte. Tú lo desafiaste.
He said he almost had to stun you. You challenged him.
—Solo porque desafiaste a muerte a mi amado —replicó ella.
“Only because you challenged to kill my lover,” she said.
¡Porque con tu indómito coraje desafiaste probabilidades imposibles! —gritó.
“You have challenged impossible odds with indomitable courage!”
Cuando desafiaste al sacerdote, tenías razón, pero tu sabiduría era equivocada.
When you challenged the priest, you were right in your knowledge, but wrong in your wisdom.
En la actualidad son mucho más débiles de lo que eran el día en que desafiaste su poder en Mahartha.
They are actually weaker now than they were the day you challenged their power at Mahartha.
- Me desafiaste deliberadamente.
–You deliberately defied me.
Tú me desafiaste, 313.
You defied me, 313.
Cierto, lo desafiaste.
Right, you defied him.
Nos desafiaste antes.
You have defied us before.
¡Me desafiaste, muchacho!
You defied me, boy!
desafiaste sus órdenes.
You defied his orders.
- Desafiaste a Mongul.
You defied Mongul.
Desafiaste a tu padre.
You defied your father.
Pero me desafiaste en todo momento.
But you defied me at every step.
Desafiaste al Imperio por tu cuenta.
You defied the Empire alone.
—No desafiaste a Chester —le hizo notar.
“You didn’t defy Chester,” he pointed out.
Cuando desafiaste al Tonton Macoute en público, supimos que Calixte sentiría el impulso de vengarse de ti.
When you publicly defied the Tonton Macoute, we knew that Calixte would be driven to get even with you.
Lo hiciste bien esta noche, Darwyn... desafiaste a lo desconocido, te mantuviste firme al Corán y a ti mimo.
You did well tonight, darwyn -- braved the unknown, stood up for yourself and the koran.
Me desafiaste a que pensara en grande.
You dared me to dream big.
Me desafiaste a verla.
You dared me to see her.
- Bueno, tu me desafiaste.
- Well, you dared me.
Los desafiaste a atacarte.
You dared them to hit you.
desafiaste a Colin, ¿no?
You dared Colin, didn't you?
Lo desafiaste al robárselo.
You dared steal him away.
- Desafiaste a ese tipo y la mató.
-You dared that guy.
Tú fuiste el que nos desafiaste. !
You're the one who double-dared us.
Estoy en la cárcel, donde me desafiaste a acabar.
I’m in jail, where you dared me to go.
—¿No recuerdas que le desafiaste a reclamar tu línea?
"Don't you remember that you dared him to come and claim your Line?
Recuerdo que tu vecino estaba asando hamburguesas a la parrilla y me desafiaste a que le pidiese una para que la compartiésemos, pero no me atreví.
I remember your neighbor was grilling hamburgers and you dared me to go ask for one for us to share, but I was too chicken.
—Ella lo miraba con los labios entreabiertos y los ojos hundidos en la oscuridad—. Y entonces apareciste con esas malditas fotos y me desafiaste a escribir algo que estuviera a su altura.
I kept going back to the cupboard and each time it was bare—’ she was staring at him now, her lips slightly parted and her eyes mysterious cups of darkness ‘ – and then you hit me with those damned photographs, and dared me to match them.’
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