Translation for "conversaba" to english
Translation examples
Recordará que fui tachado injustamente por la prensa grecochipriota, durante el período de 1968 a 1974 (mientras conversaba con usted sobre un arreglo), como "intransigente" y "carente de voluntad política para arreglar la cuestión de Chipre", cuando usted sabía que estaba haciendo todas las concesiones necesarias para llegar a un arreglo, excepto a) el estatuto de asociado o fundador de mi pueblo (nos negamos a convertirnos en una minoría protegida en una república grecochipriota, que es la solución que ustedes han intentado imponer), y b) el sistema de garantías de 1960 (que era y es absolutamente vital para nuestra existencia como socio cofundador del futuro arreglo, al igual que para la preservación de la independencia de Chipre).
You will remember that I was unjustly depicted, by the Greek Cypriot press, all through the years of 1968 to 1974 (while talking with you for a settlement) as "intransigent" and as "not having the political will to settle the Cyprus question", while you well knew that I was making all the concessions needed for a settlement except (a) the co-founder partner status of my people (we refused to become a protected minority in a Greek Cypriot Republic as you had set out to make us), and (b) the Guarantee System of 1960 (which was and is absolutely vital for our self-preservation as a co-founder partner of the future set-up as well as for the self-preservation of the independence of Cyprus).
Ayer, cuando conversaba con el Presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, me contaba que, por un préstamo de 90 millones de dólares, las condicionalidades que quiere imponer el Fondo son realmente intolerables para Nicaragua. ¿Cómo podemos seguir aceptando que la burocracia internacional, por medio de esos mecanismos de presión -- las nuevas botas, los nuevos bombarderos de los siglos XX y XXI, que son los dólares que nos da esta burocracia internacional -- quiera decirnos qué hacer o no hacer a países soberanos?
Yesterday, when I was talking with President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, he told me that the conditionalities that the Fund wanted to impose for a $90 million loan were truly intolerable for Nicaragua. How can we continue to accept this: that the international bureaucracy, through its machinery of pressure, and with its new twentieth- and twenty-first-century bombers -- the dollars that the international bureaucracies give us -- try to tell sovereign countries what to do and what not to do?
- Tu amigo. Con quien conversabas.
- Your friend you were talking to.
-Letty, solo conversaba.
-Letty, I was just talking.
¿Sólo conversabas con Steve?
You and Steve were just talking?
A veces conversaba un poco.
Sometimes he'd talk a little.
Estaba bien, conversaba y, de repente...
He was fine, he was talking, and then all of a sudden.
Conversaba con las otras familias. Muy impresionante.
I was talking to some others.
Estaba borracho cuando conversaba contigo.
He was out on his feet when he was talking to you.
Vi que conversaba con Shawn.
I saw you were talking to Shawn.
Tú antes conversabas. Hasta hablabas de más.
You used to talk such a lot, too much, even.
Porque creí que sólo conversabas con los superiores..
Because i thought you only talk to attendings.
Si deseaba conversar, conversaba.
If he wanted to talk, she talked.
Isobel conversaba con Chandler.
Isobel was talking to Chandler.
Hoy era con el libro con el que conversaba;
The book was talking to him.
En realidad, conversaba con Melquíades.
Actually, he was talking to Melquíades.
Amy conversaba con mi pecho.
Amy was talking into my chest.
Allocco conversaba con Poole.
Beyond, Allocco was talking to Poole.
tampoco conversaba con nadie.
he wasn't talking to anybody either.
Y en esta familia no se «hablaba»; se «conversaba».
And one did not talk in this family; one conversed.
Es que yo conversaba con el obispo de Ely.
I was talking to the Bishop of Ely all the while.
Igualmente señaló que escuchó cuando su sobrino conversaba con los ciudadanos antes referidos, y también oyó un disparo y a su sobrino Roberto Javier Hernández Paz, exclamando "chamo me mataste".
He also stated that he heard his nephew conversing with the aforementioned persons. He also heard a shot and his nephew Roberto Javier Hernández Paz cry out "You've killed me, man".
En las viejas casas de diversión se conversaba con los clientes...
In the old days, in the brothels, you joked around with the clients, you had conversations... It's a matter of principle.
¿Con quién conversabas?
- Conversations with who?
¿A qué te referías... - ...cuando dijiste que conversabas?
What did you mean when you said you were having conversations?
Mark conversaba conmigo y me mostraba ciertas fotografías...
Mark had gotten into a conversation with me and he was showing me some certain pictures.
Simplemente conversaba con la srta Jenny - de... - Ir a hacer deporte, Crane.
I was merely conversing with miss Jenny with regards to, um...
Sólo conversaba, Teniente.
Just making conversation, lieutenant.
Tranquilo, sólo conversaba.
Easy, I'm just making conversation.
Sanchez, distribuía comida, mantas, conversaba.
Sanchez, he distributes food, blankets, conversation.
Mi madre ya había encontrado alguien que la cortejara mientras mi padre conversaba con la actriz joven.
My mother, for example, had already found someone nice for me to court and my father was conversing with the young actress.
Yo salía con una aeromoza... cuyo hijo conversaba con Barney, el dinosaurio.
I used to go out with a flight attendant whose son had extensive conversations with Barney the dinosaur.
Yo la veía, conversaba con ella.
I saw her, conversed with her.
No conversaba, pensó David.
No conversations, David mused.
Nunca conversaba con nadie.
She never conversed.
Todo el mundo conversaba.
Conversations were going on all around them.
Fuera, Bracken conversaba con Warren.
Outside, Bracken conversed with Warren.
Conversaba sin cesar con el niño.
I had continued conversations with the child.
Con él Zet conversaba en ruso.
With him Zet had Russian conversations.
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