Translation for "cantarín" to english
Translation examples
TAYLOR: (EN VOZ cantarina) William!
[Voz cantarina] Yo no lo creo.
[ Singsong voice ] I don't think so.
(voz cantarina) Estate segura.
(singsong voice) Be sure.
(Cantarina) Sleepy time ...
(Singsong) Sleepy time...
[Voz cantarina] Mordecai, Rigby.
[ Singsong voice ] MORDECAI, RIGBY.
(Cantarina): No lo amenazan.
(Singsong): don't threaten him.
[Voz cantarina] Yo no te creo.
[ singsong voice ] I don't believe you.
[Voz cantarina] Hola!
[singsong voice] Hi!
- [Voz cantarina] lo estoy haciendo.
- [Singsong voice] I'm making it.
[Voz cantarina] Soy graduado va.
[ Singsong voice ] I'M GONNA GRADUATE.
¿Sería la voz aguda, cantarína?
Was it the highpitched, singsong voice?
El tono cantarín siguió sonando.
The singsong tone continued.
—le preguntó Nyssa con su voz cantarina—.
Nyssa asked in a singsong.
Wodie habla con voz cantarina.
Wodie speaks, in singsong.
—preguntó con voz cantarina.
she asked in a tinkly, singsong voice.
La voz de Ailie era suave y cantarina.
Ailie’s voice was soft and singsong.
Era la misma voz pausada y cantarina.
It was the same comfortable, singsong voice.
Su voz era cantarina y estremecedora—.
said Unstible, its voice singsong and horrifying.
—Asiente—. La voz era cantarina.
He nods. “The voice had this singsong quality to it.
—Ya voyyyyyy… —contestaba con voz cantarina.
“I’m commmmmming,” in her singsong voice.
El mismísimo niño bonito cantarín.
The pretty boy singer himself.
Por fin, una voz femenina de tono cantarín dijo en húngaro: «Las oficinas de Poliakoff Company han cerrado ya.
Finally a female voice with a singer’s lilt to it said in Hungarian, “The offices of the Poliakoff Company are closed for the day.
¡Retrocede! Pero Rod no debió de oír a su padre por encima de los gritos de los trolls y el rugido de la bestia cantarina, y en cualquier caso tampoco le habría obedecido.
Get back!’ But Rod surely never heard his father over the shouting of the trolls and the roar of the singer beast, and he wouldn’t have obeyed him in any case.
Los guías, viendo que no podían hacer carrera del empedernido cantarín, dieron un rodeo para alejarse de los bloques de hielo y pronto se vieron obstaculizados por una grieta enorme, cuyas verdosas paredes iluminaba un furtivo y temprano rayo de sol.
The guides, seeing that they could not silence their crazy singer, made a great détour to get away from the séracs, and presently were stopped by an enormous crevasse, the glaucous green sides of which were lighted, far down their depths, by the first furtive rays of the dawn.
—dijo con voz cantarina y besándome—.
she said, clinking over and kissing me.
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