Translation for "to shut up" to spanish
Translation examples
Telling me to shut up?
¿Decirme que me callara? ¿A mí?
Your job is to shut up.
Lo que te toca es callar».
“I told you to shut up!”
“¡Ya te dije que te callaras!"
The priest decided to shut up.
El sacerdote pensó que lo mejor era callarse.
I'd tell it to shut up.
—Le diría que cerrara el pico.
They paid him to shut up.
Le pagaron para que cerrara el pico.
‘Do I have to shut up shop?’
—¿Tengo que cerrar el bar?
He had had to shut up shop in 2006.
Tuvo que cerrar en 2006.
I was in time to shut up the chickens and take the milk on my back to the dairy.
Llegué a tiempo de encerrar las gallinas y de cargarme la leche a la espalda y bajarla a la central.
There are dangers (of course), but a Church militant cannot afford to shut up its soldiers in a fortress.
Hay peligros (por supuesto), pero una Iglesia militante no puede permitirse encerrar a todos sus soldados en una fortaleza.
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