Translation for "plangent" to spanish
Translation examples
The flute music was plangent.
La música de la flauta era plañidera.
The noise was plangent, persuasive, but of what?
Era un sonido plañidero, persuasivo, pero ¿qué era?
He heard something pass overhead with a plangent sound.
Escuchó algo pasar por encima con un sonido plañidero.
Olja screams plangently, and hides her face in her hands.
Olja lanza unos gemidos plañideros, tapándose la cara con las manos.
Bernadette plangently translated: “He says how are you Piet?
Bernadette tradujo, con tono plañidero: —Dice que cómo estás, Piet.
Was this what it was to be in love, I asked myself, this sudden plangent gusting in the heart?
¿Era eso estar enamorado, me pregunté, ese repentino y plañidero viento que te atravesaba el corazón?
As the door opened, Merlin caught the plangent strains of a harp dying away.
En ese instante Merlín oyó el lejano tañido de las plañideras cuerdas de un arpa.
“Piet,” she said plangently. “When do I get my duty dance?”
—Piet —dijo ella con voz plañidera—, ¿cuándo bailarás conmigo la pieza que me corresponde?
The piece was one of the early nocturnes, tender, limpid, plangent, and Rienzi was interpreting it with simplicity and fidelity.
La obra que tocaba era uno de los primeros nocturnos, tierno, límpido, plañidero, y Rienzi lo interpretaba con fidelidad y sencillez.
There were sudden, plangent twangings, as if giant fingers had plucked at the ribbon somewhere along its thousands of taut kilometers.
Eran unos tañidos repentinos, resonantes, como si unos dedos gigantes hubieran tirado del cable desde algún lugar a miles de kilómetros.
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