Translation for "luscious" to spanish
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Translation examples
Farewell, my luscious plum.
Hasta la vista, mi deliciosa ciruela.
"My luscious lips."
"Mis deliciosos labios".
Listen here, luscious locks,
Escuchen, deliciosas cerraduras...
luscious is your youth.
delicioso es su juventud.
Looking all luscious and lickety.
Deliciosa y voluptuosa.
*You're just too luscious
Eres tan deliciosa
It's very luscious, very good.
Está delicioso, muy bueno.
In the city, the Luscious Lynx.
La deliciosa Jynx.
Luscious and tasty.
Delicioso y sabroso.
Oh, this ham looks luscious.
Oh, esto se ve delicioso.
Miss Luscious cried.
-gritó la señorita Deliciosa.
But see the luscious Ligonier
Pero mira cómo la deliciosa Ligonier
“She’s a luscious woman,” Peter said.
—Es una mujer deliciosa —dijo Peter—.
That luscious color belongs on beaches, not in ice.
Ese delicioso color pertenece a las playas, no al hielo.
“Not even Stefan sees these luscious gifts?”
¿Ni siquiera Stefan ve estos deliciosos dones?
Luscious, this pulsing feast, this dripping meat.
Delicioso, un festín palpitante, una carne todavía sangrante.
“This luscious fruit is ripening fast, eh, Lady?”
—Este fruto delicioso está madurando rápidamente, ¿verdad señora?
And as for the luscious Alicia, he was reserving the final honor for her.
Y en cuanto a la deliciosa Alicia, a ella le reservaba el honor final.
Well, he probably found a younger, more luscious piece.
Probablemente él encontró una chica más joven y más deliciosa.
It's Luscious Blushes.
Es rubor exquisito.
Your breasts, they're just so luscious, so perfect.
Sus senos son exquisitos, perfectos.
Remember those luscious pork chops?
¿Recuerdan las exquisitas chuletas?
Where is this luscious food?
¿Dónde está la comida exquisita?
How luscious, our creature has come to fruition.
Qué exquisito, nuestra criatura fructificó.
I mean, seeing you there, looking so luscious.
Verte ahí, tan exquisita
He said they were luscious.
Dijo que eran exquisitos.
It's rich and luscious and...
Es rico, y exquisito, y...
I'll be right back with the luscious Colette.
Volveré con la exquisita Colette.
Some lovely ladies, some luscious ladies.
Algunas bellas damas, algunas exquisitas damas.
her breasts soft and luscious.
sus pechos, suaves y exquisitos.
“You look luscious,” he murmured.
—Tenéis un aspecto exquisito —murmuró—.
They think you are too luscious for me.
Creen que eres demasiado exquisita para mí.
His inventions of the flesh are luscious and charming;
Sus invenciones de la carne son exquisitas y encantadoras;
The victims would be full of luscious blood.
Las víctimas estaban llenas de exquisita sangre.
This is both advertising and luscious postmodern art.
Es publicidad y a la vez un exquisito arte posmoderno.
Henry was handsome and those lips were luscious.
Albert era guapo y tenía unos labios exquisitos.
She was hoping to surprise Jamila with this luscious treat.
Esperaba sorprender a Yamila con ese postre exquisito.
The legs had flowing curves and luscious feet;
Las patas adquirían curvas ondulantes y tenían exquisitos pies;
The luscious memories of first love.
Los suculentos recuerdos del primer amor.
Easy' ripe and luscious.
Fáciles, maduros y suculentos.
They're so red, and ripe and luscious.
Son tan rojos, maduros y suculentos.
No, pero me llevé a casa al, uh, labios suculentos de allí.
A refreshing drink for the luscious cephalopod!
¡Una bebida refrescante para el suculento calamar!
Why, sure. Now you're gonna have luscious LaVerne all to yourself.
Ahora tendrás a la suculenta LaVerne para ti solito.
You have ever get the conscience about to have a machoed woman... A big tall... or husky, luscious looking female?
- ¿Has pensado en estar con una mujer madura... grande, alta, suculenta?
The Luscious Lovelorn Ladies of Lasciviousness.
Las Suculentas Damas Enamoradas de la Lujuria.
She's so ripe and luscious.
- ¡Está madura y suculenta!
Your body is luscious, perfect.
Tienes un cuerpo suculento, perfecto.
“C’mere, you luscious thing, you.
—Ven, cosa suculenta.
Silk swallowed a luscious mouthful of chop. “No.
Seda tragó un suculento bocado de costilla. —No.
The grazing closer to the riverbank was dense and luscious.
El pasto de las inmediaciones de las márgenes del río era denso y suculento.
I told you it was your luscious body, not your brain.
Te dije que era tu suculento cuerpo, no tu cerebro.
Her hillsides and luscious clusters of grapes belong to him.
Sus laderas y racimos de uvas maduras y suculentas serían suyos.
The calf was fair game for the hyena—unprotected, luscious.
El elefantito era una presa muy apetecible para la hiena, desprotegido y suculento.
It seemed such a prosaic way of growing such a luscious fruit.
Era una forma demasiado prosaica de crecer para una fruta tan suculenta.
She was innocent and earthy at the same time, and her breasts were ripe and luscious.
Resultaba inocente y campechana a la vez, y tenía los pechos maduros y suculentos.
Lips fat and luscious, popped open just slightly, giving off the faintest whistle.
Sus labios, gruesos y suculentos, se entreabrieron emitiendo un leve silbido.
"Your lips are luscious and eyes are bewitching."
Tu lengua es apetitosa y tus ojos encantadores.
Tenias una tripita tan grande, tan dura, y... tetas calientes, tan apetitosas y... estabas tan cachonda todo el dia.
I mean you're more than just a sissy. You're nice and clean, and smart and sexy, and firm and luscious, and...
Quiero decir, eres más que un marica eres guapo, limpio y inteligente... y sexy, bien formado, apetitoso...
She's a luscious piece.
Es una hembra apetitosa.
They are so fresh, so exotic and yet so luscious to me, these mortals;
Estos mortales me parecen tan frescos, tan exóticos y apetitosos...
stared at the tray brimming with luscious-smelling food and scratched his head.
miró la bandeja, rebosante de apetitosos alimentos, y se rascó la cabeza.
“This concerns the fiery wench with the luscious tits, I presume,” Mick said.
—Presumo que esto tiene que ver con esa terrible zagala de tetas apetitosas—dijo Mick.
It’s a luscious, unreal green, like a gumdrop, and covered with tiny bright hairs.
Es de un verde apetitoso, irreal, como una pastilla de goma, y está cubierto de una pelusilla brillante.
Fritz himself was dressed in his usual coffee-party costume – a very thick white yachting sweater and very light blue flannel trousers. He greeted me with his full-lipped, luscious smile: ‘’lo, Chris!’
Le encontré vestido a su modo habitual en esas ocasiones: jersey marinero blanco muy grueso y pantalones de franela azul pálido. Su sonrisa, al saludar, le dibujaba los labios y era empalagosa. – ¡Hola, Chris! – Hola, Fritz.
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