Translation for "attend to" to spanish
Translation examples
2.6.4 attend to the general well-being of children.
2.6.4 Ocuparse del bienestar general de los niños.
It must also attend to the poor supply of equipment, weapons, food and accommodation for troops.
También debe ocuparse del deficiente suministro de equipo, armamento, alimentos y alojamiento para los efectivos.
They therefore prefer to remain free to attend to family matters.
Por consiguiente, prefieren estar libres para ocuparse de los asuntos familiares.
Its objectives are to attend to all questions concerning the various handicaps and to advise the Government thereupon.
Sus objetivos son ocuparse de todas las cuestiones relativas a las diversas discapacidades y asesorar al Gobierno al respecto.
For the first time a private institution was assigned by the legislator to attend to accounting issues.
24. Era la primera vez que la legislatura encomendaba a una institución privada la tarea de ocuparse de cuestiones contables.
∙ Address the political, social and economic issues attendant to sustainable development.
Ocuparse de los problemas políticos, sociales y económicos que acompañan al desarrollo sostenible.
Midwives may attend births both at home and in hospital.
Las parteras pueden ocuparse de los partos a domicilio y en el hospital.
- To attend to adult education affairs;
- Ocuparse de lo relacionado con la educación de adultos;
(e) Are there police officers properly trained in attending to the complaints of abused children?
e) Si se dispone de oficiales de policía debidamente capacitados para ocuparse de denuncias de malos tratos contra niños;
Well, Father had to attend to his business.
Bueno, padre tenía que ocuparse de sus negocios.
How often will he have to attend to those hookahs?
¿Cuán a menudo tendrá que ocuparse de esas pipas?
Well, do you think you could attend to them quickly?
Bueno, ¿le parece que podría ocuparse de ellas rápidamente?
You'll have to attend to all that side of things for Cora.
Tendrá Ud. Que ocuparse de todo por lo que respecta a Cora.
Well, you may attend to it, Sister.
Puede ocuparse de ello, hermana.
Something about attending to his star.
Algo sobre ocuparse de su estrella
And Grant had to attend to that.
Y Grant tuvo que ocuparse de eso.
Windell, my brother John has returned to Lancaster to attend to his own mill.
Windell, mi hermano John ha vuelto a Lancaster... para ocuparse de su fábrica.
Is there some business you need to attend to before we go?
¿Necesita ocuparse de algo antes de ir?
Michael had to attend to some personal business.
Michael debe ocuparse de asuntos personales.
He must be attended to immediately.
Hay que ocuparse de él inmediatamente.
He had business to attend to.
Tenía negocios de los que ocuparse.
Naturally he wants to attend to her.
Naturalmente, tiene que ocuparse de ella.
But before that, of course, there was Marina to attend to.
Pero antes de eso, por supuesto, había que ocuparse de Marina.
“On the topic of attending to Histories,”
—Hablando de ocuparse de las Historias —desliza—.
Meanwhile, he had to attend to the flat;
Mientras tanto él tenía que ocuparse del apartamento;
There were more important matters to attend to.
Había cosas más importantes de las que ocuparse;
She had her music to attend to.
Debía ocuparse de su música.
There was a last matter to attend to first.
Sin embargo, primero tenía que ocuparse de otro asunto.
Wade had official business to attend to.
Wade tenía que ocuparse de un asunto oficial.
Farouq, reading a book at the counter, paused to attend to the people coming in or leaving.
Faruk, que leía un libro en el mostrador, paraba para despachar a los que entraban o se iban.
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