Translation for "a top" to spanish
A top
A top
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Translation examples
In addition, some electric cables were placed in a bag on top of the rockets.
Además, se encontró una bolsa con cables eléctricos colocada encima de los cohetes.
Variations between schools in Sweden just top 10 per cent.
Las variaciones entre escuelas se sitúan en Suecia justo por encima del 10%.
Works to place a technical fence on top of the wall are ongoing.
Continúa la labor para colocar una valla de seguridad encima del muro.
However, those paintball guns had been strapped on top of machine guns.
Sin embargo, esas pistolas estaban montadas encima de ametralladoras.
At the provincial level, they are sectoral courts and, at the top, there is the High Military Court.
A nivel de provincia, los tribunales de zona, y por encima de todos está el Alto Tribunal Militar.
The belt had been concealed under a medical mattress and a young child was sitting on top of it.
El cinturón se hallaba escondido debajo de una camilla y un niño estaba sentado encima.
He was pushed on top of his colleagues in the van.
Le arrojaron encima de sus colegas que ya se encontraban en el furgón.
During the ride in the van, he was smothered by the weight of nine bodies on top of him.
Durante el transporte en el furgón tuvo que aguantar el peso de nueve personas encima de él.
Boiler was on top of Pinback, and Pinback was on top of Boiler.
Boiler estaba encima de Pinback y Pinback estaba encima de Boiler.
It was on top of him.
Estaba encima de él.
They’re on the top.”
Están encima de todo.
It’s on top of mine.”
Está encima del mío.
The one on top is me.
—La de encima es mía.
He was on top of you?
—¿Lo tenías encima?
“On top of what else?”
—¿Encima de qué más?
He was on top of me.
Él estaba encima de mí.
Top-Top-Top... » — Allons, mon vieux, tourne le bouton...
TopTopTop… —Vamos, viejo, da vuelta el botón.
Almost immediately Top bounded into the corral, and the gate was quickly shut. "Top, Top!"
Casi al mismo tiempo Top saltó dentro de la empalizada, cuya puerta volvió a cerrarse inmediatamente. - ¡Top, Top!
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