Translation for "tener una conciencia limpia" to english
Tener una conciencia limpia
Translation examples
Mientras la tan pregonada mundialización beneficie sólo a unos cuantos, el mundo no puede pretender ser democrático y quienes se benefician de esos desequilibrios no pueden tener la conciencia limpia.
As long as this much-touted globalization benefits only a few, the world cannot claim to be democratic and those who benefit from such imbalances cannot have a clear conscience.
Una cosa estaba clara: fueran cual fuesen sus motivos, ya no iba a poder vanagloriarse de tener la conciencia limpia en esta vida.
Well, one thing was for sure: whatever his motives, he wasn’t about to have a clear conscience ever again in this life.
Todos permanecían mudos, presentándole la cara a esa mariposa maravillosa, y solamente Podduiev, cuyo catre se oyó rechinar, pronunció con voz enronquecida, estirando su cuello de toro: -Para eso, ¡seguramente hay que… tener la conciencia limpia! ¿Era un modo de intervenir en la conversación, o bien una simple reflexión sin relación con el debate? La cosa no estaba clara; mas Rusanov, que por una vez escuchara a su vecino Kostoglotov no sólo con atención, sino casi con simpatía, se volvió nervioso hacia Podduiev y le reconvino:
            They were all silent, still holding their faces up to the butterfly. It was only the gloomy Podduyev who made his bed creak and, with a hopeless and obstinate expression on his face, croaked out, 'I suppose for that you need to have... a clear conscience.'             It was not clear to everyone whether his words were linked to their conversation or were some thought of his own. But Pavel Nikolayevich, who on this occasion was listening to his neighbour 'Bone-chewer' with attention, even with a measure of sympathy, turned with a nervous jerk to Podduyev and read him a lecture.
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