Translation examples
Tendré-- 2 segundos, lo tendré de regreso.
I'll have--2 seconds, I'll have him right back.
Tendrás comida y tendrás bebida.
Food shall you have. Drink shall you have.
Bueno, tú tendrás- tú me tendrás.
Well, You'll have- You'll have me.
Tendré misericordia del que tendré misericordia.
I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.
- lo tendras. lo tendras y...
- You'll have it. You'll have it and...
Lo tendrás, lo tendrás, preciosa.
You shall have it, you shall have it, me beauty.
Tendrá pesadillas y tendré que encargarme.
He'll have nightmares and I'll have to deal with it.
Tendrás... tendrás que dejármelo.
Um, you'll have.... You'll have to leave it with me.
No lo tendré.
I won't keep it.
Le tendré informado.
I'll keep you informed.
Yo la tendré.
I'm keeping this.
¿Me tendrás informada?
You'll keep me informed?
Tendrás a Ramona.
You'll keep Ramona.
Tendrás que mantenerme.
Keep me then.
¡Nunca tendré amo!
They'll never own me.
¡Nadie me tendrá!
No one will own me!
Tendrá casa grande.
Going to own big house.
Nos tendrá dominados.
It's over. He owns us.
El te tendrá.
He owns you.
¿No tendrás jefe?
Your own man?
Tendrás tu lugar.
No. Your own space.
Tendrás que arreglártelas solo.
You're on your own.
Tendrá sus razones.
For reasons of his own.
Lo tendré presente.
I'll bear it in mind.
-Tendrá que soportarlo.
You've got to bear it.
Claro que tendrás hijos.
You will bear children.
Tendré paciencia contigo.
I will bear with you.
Pues tendrás que hacerlo.
I won't bear it.
Tendrá un oso feliz.
You got happy bear.
Bear, le grita, Bear.
Bear, he calls, Bear.
Tendrá que aguantar.
You must hold out.
No tendrás ningún...
You wouldn't happen to hold...
Tendrá que resistir.
You will hold out.
¿Tendré una racha?
Will I get a hold?
¿Tendrá que aguantarse?
Think she just holds it?
Lo tendré aquí.
I'II hold him here.
- ¡Tendrá cara dura!
Hold me up!
Tendrá que estos - de la víctima bienes.
You'll need these - the victim's possessions.
Conocimiento que nunca tendrás.
Knowledge you will never possess.
Esta mujer tendrá marcas invisibles.
"This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks."
- ¿Cuándo tendré las barras?
When can I take possession of the rods?
¿Cuando tendré mi PSP, señor?
When do I take possession of my PSP, sir?
Nunca te tendré.
I'll never possess you.
Entonces tendrás que poseer el cuerpo de Brad Pitt.
Possess Brad Pitt's body, then.
Tendrás todo allí.
I don't think these are Brooke's experiments.
Tendrá experiencias homosexuales.
She will experiment with homosexual relationships.
Tendrás mucha experiencia, supongo.
You got lots of experience, I expect.
Que tendrá que experimentar, hombre.
You'll ever experience, man.
¡El Sr. tendrá una experiencia inolvidable!
Mr.. will experience a unforgettable!
- Tendrás la boca reseca.
- I bet you'll experience some dry-mouth.
Nunca tendré esa experiencia.
I'll never get to experience that.
Me pregunto qué tendrá puesto.
I wonder what she's wearing.
Y tendrás bonitos vestidos.
You'll wear nice clothes.
Tendrá puesta una máscara.
He'll be wearing a mask.
¿Tendré que llevar corbata?
Should I wear a tie?
"Yo tendré un clavel..."
"I'll be wearing a carnation..."
No tendrás que llevar maquillaje.
No need to wear makeup.