Translation for "tal ingenio" to english
Tal ingenio
Translation examples
such ingenuity
Ninguna unidad ha mostrado tal ingenio.
No unit has shown such ingenuity.
Su Majestad charló conmigo durante un tiempo, y ella quedó impresionada de tal ingenio y buen sentido en una persona tan diminuta.
Her Majesty and I chatted for a while, and she was impressed with such wit and good sense in so diminutive a person.
Sin duda era algo admirable afrontar la vida con tal ingenio e irreverencia, pero también era cansino a veces, y siempre que Ferguson se hartaba de las gracias verbales de sus compañeros de cabaña, empezaba a echar de menos a Howard, su amigo íntimo de los dos últimos años, el mejor amigo que había tenido jamás, y con Howard lejos, en la granja lechera de sus tíos en Vermont, donde pasaba los veranos, Ferguson se puso a escribirle cartas en la hora de reposo de después del almuerzo, gran número de cartas, breves y largas, en las que exponía todo lo que estuviera pensando en el momento, porque Howard era la única persona en el mundo con quien podía desahogarse, la única persona a quien no temía confiar sus problemas, el amigo singular, intachable, a quien podía transmitir cualquier cosa, desde críticas a otra gente, pasando por comentarios sobre libros que había leído, por reflexiones sobre la dificultad de contener los pedos en público, hasta ideas sobre Dios.
No doubt there was something admirable about attacking life with such wit and irreverence, but it could also become wearisome at times, and whenever Ferguson had his fill of his cabinmates’ verbal antics, he would find himself missing Howard, his close friend of the past two years, the closest friend he had ever had, and with Howard far away at his aunt and uncle’s dairy farm in Vermont, where he spent all his summers, Ferguson began writing letters to him during the one-hour rest period after lunch, numerous short and long letters in which he set down whatever he happened to be thinking about at the moment, for Howard was the one person in the world he could unburden himself to, the one person he was not afraid to trust or confide in, the singular, unimpeachable friend with whom he could share everything, from criticisms of other people to comments about books he had read to musings about the difficulty of suppressing farts in public to thoughts about God.
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