Translation for "pudo" to english
Translation examples
69. La Misión de las Naciones Unidas no pudo realizar una visita al lugar y, por tanto, no pudo recoger muestras ambientales.
69. The United Nations Mission was not able to conduct an on-site visit and therefore was not able to collect any environmental samples.
El helicóptero pudo aterrizar sin más daños.
It was able to land safely.
La Comisión no pudo obtener esa información.
The Committee was not able to obtain this information.
No pudo hablar con su esposa por teléfono ni pudo ver a su hijo recién nacido en el hospital penitenciario.
He was not able to talk to his wife on the phone, and was not able to see his newborn son at the prison hospital.
Este pudo escapar ileso.
He was able to escape without harm.
El Grupo pudo entrevistarse con algunos de esos sospechosos.
The Group was able to interview some of these suspects.
La FNUOS no pudo confirmar el incidente.
UNDOF was not able to confirm the incident.
82. La Misión de las Naciones Unidas no pudo realizar una visita al lugar y, por tanto, no pudo recoger muestras ambientales.
82. The United Nations Mission was not able to conduct an on-site visit and was therefore not able to collect any environmental samples.
El conductor del camión pudo escapar.
The truck driver was able to escape.
No pudo dormir en el avión, casi no pudo comer.
He hadn't been able to sleep on the plane, hardly been able to eat.
Pero no pudo gozarlo.
He was not able to enjoy it, however.
Y, sin embargo, no pudo dormir.
But he was not able to sleep.
En las otras pudo entrar.
She was able to gain entry to the others.
Eso es todo lo que pudo llevarse.
That was everything he was able to take with him.
No pudo explicárselo.
He wasn't able to tell her.
Pudo pasar entre ellas.
He was able to pass among them.
¿Se pudo recuperar algo?
Were you able to recover any of it?
Pudo acercarse bastante.
He was able to draw close.
¿Pudo usted aterrizar?
Were you able to land?
¿Pudo dormir Sussman?
Can Sussman sleep?
Él pudo decirlo.
He can tell.
Así pudo respirar.
So I can breathe.
- ¿Pudo identificarlos? No.
Can she I.D. 'em?
Cualquiera pudo meterse.
Anyone can enter!
¿Pudo comer Sussman?
Can Sussman eat?
- ¿Entonces qué pudo?
Then what can?
¿Pudo haber sucedido?
Can that happen?
No pudo esperar mucho.
He can wait no longer.
— ¿Eso es todo lo que pudo descubrir?
“That's all you can discover?”
¿Cómo pudo hacer eso?
How can she do that?
–Sí. –¿Pudo usted identificarlo?
“Yes.” “Can you identify them?”
—¿Y cómo pudo escaparse?
- And how can he then have escaped?
En mayo de 1994 pudo establecerse por fin una frágil cesación del fuego.
A fragile cease-fire was finally put in place in May 1994.
Skye pudo o no pudo verlos.
Skye may or may not have.
- ¿Pudo haberla secuestrado?
- He may have abducted her?
- Pudo haberlos seguido.
He may have followed her.
- Algo pudo haberlo hecho.
- Something may have.
- Pudo haberse estrellado.
- She may have gone down.
Pudo haberlo hecho.
He may have.
- Pudo hacer involuntariamente...
- He may have unwittingly...
Parece que siempre quieren hablar sobre lo que pudo haber dicho, lo que pudo haber hecho, lo que pudo no haber hecho.
It seems like they always talk about what he may have said, what he may have done, what he may not have done.
- Pudo entrar después.
They may have come there afterwards.
Pudo haberlo gastado.
He may have spent it.
Pudo haber estado ahí.
She may have stayed there.
Pudo hacerlo en cualquier parte.
They may do it anywhere.
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