Translation for "incomprensivo" to english
Translation examples
Se hizo un amo cruel e incomprensivo.
He became a cruel and incomprehensible master.
Sus tonto e incomprensivos ojos.
His dim, uncomprehending eyes.
La retenía con su suavidad incomprensiva.
He held her by his uncomprehending gentleness.
Ella lo miró de soslayo con ojos incomprensivos.
She looked at him askance with uncomprehending eyes.
Yo era joven e incomprensiva, estaba furiosa y no quise ayudarlo más.
I was young and angry and uncomprehending, and I wouldn't help him any more.
y frente a las experiencias de este último movimiento sus juicios fueron severos e incomprensivos.
and with respect to the experiments of this latter movement his judgments were rigid and uncomprehending.
—¡Ah, sí! —exclamó con voz incomprensiva, como vacía de toda atención por el esfuerzo que estaba realizando.
“Oh, yes,” she said in an uncomprehending tone, as if emptied of attention by the effort she was making.
Marcello vio que se ponía serio de pronto, con una expresión perpleja y casi incomprensiva.
Marcello saw him become suddenly serious and make a perplexed, almost uncomprehending face.
Ron, ya te hablé de Sally Archer —a pesar de su mirada incomprensiva ella apuró sus palabras—: Les prometí enviar una torta para la fiesta que celebraban en el templo y me olvidé de prepararla. ¿Qué haré?
You’ve heard me speak of Sally Archer, Ron.” In spite of his uncomprehending look, she rushed on: “I promised to send her a cake for the church supper, and I forgot to bake it. What am I going to do?”
Pero, en estas extrañas circunstancias, tratado frecuentemente por las autoridades universitarias como ciudadano de segunda, apartado de los centros docentes de prestigio e inmerso casi por entero en una masa de incomprensivos estudiantes de contabilidad y administración comercial, Ludwig von Mises reanudó su otrora famoso seminario semanal.
Amid these conditions, often treated as a second-class citizen by the university authorities, remote from prestigious academic centers, and surrounded largely by timeserving uncomprehending majors in accounting or business finance, Mises resumed his once-famous weekly seminars.
mientras el susodicho diestro parecía dudar de su propia fama, disipándola con un gesto airoso de la mano, como dispuesto a morir la vez siguiente, como riéndose con tristeza de la gloria que a él le daban los aficionados que lo cargaban y los mariachis que ahora intentaban tocar un pasodoble desafinado mientras “la figura” saludaba con desgano y más que celebrar una victoria parecía despedirse del mundo a tiempo ante el asombro incomprensivo de los rebaños de turistas ¿gringos, canadienses, alemanes, escandinavos?, asoleados, inmunes a los cambios climáticos, que se formaban en grupos de jóvenes y viejos que querían ser jóvenes, con sandalias de playa, playeras con nombres de hoteles, clubes, localidades de origen, colegios, confundidas primera, segunda, tercera y ninguna edad en el alborozo forzado de haber gozado de vacaciones en un país, los USA, tacaño en otorgarlas, fatigando a sus trabajadores con el desafío de cruzar un continente interminable que se extiende de luminoso a luminoso océano, mientras que los europeos se formaban en fila como quien recibe un premio merecido y un consuelo estival ganado, sin que ellos lo supieran, por el gobierno francés del Frente Popular y Léon Blum (¿quién era Léon Blum?) en 1936, antes de que se acabaran las vacaciones.
while the above-mentioned bullfighter seemed to doubt his own fame, scattering it with an airy wave of his hand as if he were prepared to die the next time, as if he were laughing sadly at the glory given him by the aficionados who carried him and the mariachis who now attempted to play an out-of-tune pasodoble while the bullfighter reluctantly waved and rather than celebrating a victory seemed to be bidding farewell to the world at the opportune time to the uncomprehending astonishment of the flocks of tourists, Gringo, Canadian, German, Scandinavian? tanned, immune to climate changes, who formed into groups of young people and old people who wanted to be young, in beach sandals, T-shirts with the names of hotels, clubs, places of origin, colleges, first, second, third, and no ages confused in the forced gaiety of having enjoyed vacations, coming from a country, the USA, miserly in granting them, fatiguing its workers with the challenge of crossing an interminable continent that extends from sea to shining sea, while the Europeans formed a line as if they were receiving a well-deserved prize and a summer consolation won, without their knowing it, by the French government of the Popular Front and Léon Blum (who was Léon Blum?) in 1936, when paid vacations were first granted.
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