Translation for "haber parecido" to english
Haber parecido
Translation examples
to have seemed
Los Estados partes encargados de analizar las solicitudes presentadas en virtud del artículo 5 de la Convención (en adelante el "grupo analizador") observaron que, si bien la aplicación completa del artículo 5 podría haber parecido imposible en Tailandia antes de 2007, la aplicación del Procedimiento para localizar campos de minas había proporcionado a Tailandia el objetivo de terminar esa labor a más tardar en 2018 definiendo la tarea real de desminado y anulando las zonas que no se deberían haber considerado peligrosas por la presencia real o supuesta de minas antipersonal.
The States Parties mandated to analyse requests submitted under Article 5 of the Convention (hereafter referred to as the "analyzing group") noted that whereas completion of Article 5 implementation may have seemed impossible prior to 2007, the application of the LMP had provided Thailand with the target of 2018 for completion by defining the actual clearance task and by cancelling areas that should never have been considered dangerous due to the presence or suspected presence of anti-personnel mines.
Después de la segunda guerra mundial la idea de un órgano internacional como las Naciones Unidas puede haber parecido utópica, especialmente habida cuenta del fracaso de la Sociedad de las Naciones y de las tragedias y crímenes provocados por la búsqueda de las políticas de poder, el tipo de políticas que condujo al mundo a la guerra y sus horrores.
In the aftermath of the Second World War the idea of an international body such as the United Nations may have seemed utopian, especially in the light of the failure of the League of Nations and of the tragedies and crimes that resulted from the pursuit of power politics, the kind of politics that led the world into war and its horrors.
Durante el conflicto, ese argumento podría haber parecido justificado; sin embargo, si bien es relativamente común congelar activos, no es habitual que estos activos sean embargados y luego reasignados sin consultar al propietario legítimo.
During the conflict, that argument might have seemed to have some merit; however, while it is relatively common to freeze assets, it is unusual for frozen assets to be seized or confiscated and then reallocated without reference to the legal owner.
40. La Sra. Morariu (Rumania) dice que su país apoya el objetivo del Relator Especial de promover y fortalecer la seguridad de las relaciones jurídicas entre Estados procurando, cuando corresponda, que los tratados sigan siendo aplicables en caso de conflicto armado, lo que justifica la introducción de normas en el proyecto de artículos que otro modo podrían haber parecido superfluas.
40. Ms. Morariu (Romania) said that the Special Rapporteur's aim, which her delegation endorsed, of promoting and strengthening the security of legal relations between States by ensuring, where possible, that treaties remained operational in the event of an armed conflict justified the introduction into the draft articles of some provisions that might otherwise have seemed superfluous.
Ahora que la tarea de reconstrucción ha comenzado, miremos hacia adelante con la esperanza de ver el advenimiento de una era de paz y reconstrucción, y esperemos que lo que inicialmente puede haber parecido un fracaso se convierta en un éxito sobresaliente de las Naciones Unidas.
Now that the job of rebuilding is under way, let us look forward — look forward with hope to an era of peace and reconstruction — and let us hope that what may have seemed initially a failure may turn out to be part of the striking success of the United Nations.
No hace mucho tiempo tal objetivo podría haber parecido totalmente inalcanzable.
Not so long ago, this goal might have seemed to be completely unachievable.
Es cierto que nuestra Organización puede haber parecido abrumada, en ciertos momentos, por los retos que enfrentaba.
It is certainly true that the Organization may have seemed at times to be overwhelmed by the challenges before it.
Pero, curiosamente, esa visión me parece menos impensable de lo que debe haber parecido hace un siglo la idea de la igualdad de la mujer.
But curiously enough, such a vision strikes me as far less unthinkable than the notion of women's equality would have seemed a hundred years ago.
i) Observaron la opinión expresada por un representante de la sociedad civil de las Islas Turcas y Caicos de que, si bien los motivos aducidos en un principio por la Potencia administradora respecto de su decisión de suspender la Constitución podrían haber parecido buenos, se lamentaba cada vez más el planteamiento adoptado, ya que se consideraba que no tenía en cuenta los intereses de las Islas, en particular en los ámbitos constitucional, electoral y económico.
(i) Noted the view, expressed by a civil society representative from the Turks and Caicos Islands, that while the reasons initially given by the administering Power for its decision to suspend the Constitution might have seemed good, the approach taken was increasingly considered regrettable, as it was felt that it did not demonstrate regard for the interest of the Islands, including in the constitutional, electoral and economic domains.
El estaba azorado por haber parecido ingrato.
He was shocked at having seemed ungrateful.
Eso era preocupante, pero no tanto como podía haber parecido al principio.
That was worrisome, but not as much as it might have seemed at first.
Sé que debe haber parecido ... "Detener."
I know it must have seemed—” “Stop.”
Qué cruel le debía de haber parecido aquel dibujo.
How cruel that drawing must have seemed.
Supongo que debo haber parecido un demente.
I suppose I must have seemed like a madman to the others.
El pelo en cola de caballo tendría que haber parecido incongruente, pero no.
The braided hair should have seemed incongruous but didn't.
—Desde fuera, deberíamos haber parecido unos hermanos felices.
From the outside, we might have seemed like a happy brother and sister.
Esto debería haber parecido menos una amenaza de lo que lo hizo.
This should have seemed less like a threat than it did.
Seguramente los orcos les tendríamos que haber parecido extraños a ellos nada más llegar.
Surely the ores must have seemed odd to them when they first arrived.
No podrían haber parecido una pareja más establecida si ya hubieran estado comprometidos.
They could not have seemed more like an established couple if they had already been betrothed.
Debo haber parecido un ignorante.
I must have seemed ignorant.
Debo haber parecido un monstruo.
I must have seemed like some sort of monster.
Le debe haber parecido una eternidad.
Must have seemed like an eternity.
Debo haber parecido muy inconsiderado.
I must have seemed very harsh.
Sé que puedo haber parecido algo... fangoso.
I mean, might have seemed a little slushed.
Debe haber parecido verdaderamente sobrehumano.
It must have seemed truly superhuman.
Debo haber parecido horrible ahora mismo.
I-I must have seemed awful just now.
Debo haber parecido una completa lunatica, la otra noche.
I must have seemed like a total lunatic last night.
El mundo debe haber parecido tan imposiblemente grande.
The world must have seemed so impossibly big.
Eso era preocupante, pero no tanto como podía haber parecido al principio.
That was worrisome, but not as much as it might have seemed at first.
Sé que debe haber parecido ... "Detener."
I know it must have seemed—” “Stop.”
Qué cruel le debía de haber parecido aquel dibujo.
How cruel that drawing must have seemed.
Supongo que debo haber parecido un demente.
I suppose I must have seemed like a madman to the others.
El pelo en cola de caballo tendría que haber parecido incongruente, pero no.
The braided hair should have seemed incongruous but didn't.
—Desde fuera, deberíamos haber parecido unos hermanos felices.
From the outside, we might have seemed like a happy brother and sister.
Esto debería haber parecido menos una amenaza de lo que lo hizo.
This should have seemed less like a threat than it did.
Seguramente los orcos les tendríamos que haber parecido extraños a ellos nada más llegar.
Surely the ores must have seemed odd to them when they first arrived.
No podrían haber parecido una pareja más establecida si ya hubieran estado comprometidos.
They could not have seemed more like an established couple if they had already been betrothed.
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