Translation for "favorecedor" to english
Translation examples
19. El énfasis operativo para la aplicación de la Estrategia está en la acción a nivel país, en que los gobiernos redoblen sus esfuerzos para habilitarse como favorecedores efectivos.
19. The operational focus for the implementation of the Strategy is on action at the national level, with Governments concentrating their efforts on becoming effective enablers.
4. Para que los gobiernos puedan ser favorecedores efectivos en el sector de vivienda, deberán realizar aquellas actividades que la ciudadanía no puede realizar directamente.
4. In order for Governments to become effective facilitators in the shelter sector, they are expected to undertake those activities that the people themselves cannot undertake effectively.
Creo que es muy favorecedor.
(Gasps) I-I think it's very becoming. Aw.
Traté de conseguir algo favorecedor.
I did try to get something becoming.
Bien, es muy favorecedor vamos?
Well, it's very becoming. Shall we?
Pero ese color es muy favorecedor.
But that color. It's so becoming.
Muy favorecedora, señor.
Very becoming, Sir.
Una modestia muy favorecedora.
A most becoming modesty.
Lleva un sombrero muy favorecedor.
Wow, that's a becoming hat you're wearing.
Espero que tengan pantallas favorecedoras.
I hope the candles have very becoming shades.
—Lo que sea es de lo más favorecedor —dijo él.
“Whatever it is, it’s most becoming.”
Ese recato tan favorecedor.
That becoming modesty.
los más favorecedores no se consideran decentes).
the more becoming short ones aren’t considered quite decent).
Además, el negro es un color muy favorecedor.
Besides, black is a very becoming colour.
El vestuario no era muy favorecedor, por decirlo suavemente.
The costumes weren’t very becoming, to say the least.
Pero el metal devuelve un reflejo suavizado y favorecedor.
But it gives back a softened and becoming reflection.
Sin duda un color lechuga sería mucho más favorecedor.
A sort of a lettuce-y color would be much more becoming.
Era como si se hubiera vuelto una fotografía poco favorecedora de sí mismo.
It was as if he had become a bad photograph of himself.
a su parecer, nunca las modas habían sido tan favorecedoras;
and to his eye the fashions had never been so becoming;
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