Translation for "de libra" to english
Translation examples
La libra de Santa Elena es equivalente a la libra esterlina.
The St. Helena pound is equivalent to the pound sterling.
Moneda Libra de las Islas Falkland (paridad con la libra esterlina)
Currency: Falkland Islands Pound (parity with Pound Sterling)
En 1993, la producción agrícola y ganadera fue la siguiente: 36.800 libras de coles; 84.150 libras de patatas blancas, 300.000 libras de cebollas, 5.000 libras de ganado vacuno, ovino y caprino, y 105.419 libras de pollos.
Crop and livestock production in 1993 were as follows: cabbage, 36,800 pounds; white potatoes, 84,150 pounds; onions, 300,000 pounds; cattle, sheep and goats, 5,000 pounds; and broilers, 105,419 pounds.
Cientos de libras.
Hundreds of pounds, like.
Cientos de miles de libras.
Hundreds of thousands of pounds.
¡Vale miles de libras!
It's worth thousands of pounds !
Un par de libras.
A couple of pounds.
Han malversado cientos de libras.
They've embezzled hundreds of pounds.
Estamos perdiendo cientos de libras...
We're losing hundreds of pounds--
Miles de libras.
Thousands of pounds.
Gastó muchos miles de libras.
He spent many thousands of pounds.
—Su cambio. Diez libras, cinco libras, dos de una libra
“Your change. Ten pound, five pound, two one pound-”
Cien libras, doscientas libras...
One hundred pounds — two hundred pounds
—A dos libras los treinta centímetros, serán doce libras.
Two pounds a foot. Twelve pounds.
Cinco libras… quiero cinco libras.
Five pounds – I want five pounds.
—¿Tres mil qué? —Libras, hombre, libras.
'Three thousand what?' 'Pounds, man, pounds.
Mil libras… diez mil libras… tal vez más.
A thousand pounds—ten thousand pounds— more.
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