Translation for "снял шляпу" to english
Снял шляпу
  • took off his hat
  • he took off his hat
Translation examples
took off his hat
Представьте моё удивление, когда я заметила, когда он снял шляпу и сбросил плащ,
Imagine my surprise when I noticed, when he took off his hat and dropped his suitcase,
Эллери вздохнул и снял шляпу.
Ellery sighed, and took off his hat.
Он снял шляпу и протянул ее мне, улыбаясь.
He took off his hat, and handed it to me with a smile.
- Робли снял шляпу и отложил ее в сторону.
Roblay took off his hat and put it aside.
Дон Хуан остановился и снял шляпу.
Don Juan stopped and took off his hat.
Он снял шляпу и отвесил церемонный поклон.
He took off his hat and bowed magnificently.
Он снял шляпу и стоял, держа ее в руках.
And he took off his hat and held it in his hand.
Миган снял шляпу и вошел в первую.
Meehan took off his hat and stepped into the first one.
Стрелок снял шляпу и утер лоб.
The gunslinger took off his hat and wiped his forehead.
Он снял шляпу и подошел ближе к скамейке.
He took off his hat and came closer to the bench.
he took off his hat
Он снял шляпу и помахал ею перед собой комическим жестом.
He took off his hat, and flourished it in a comical gesture.
Он снял шляпу и положил ее на траву рядом с собой.
He took off his hat and put it on the grass beside him.
Приблизившись к женщине, Эрл снял шляпу. – Миссис Паркер…
He took off his hat as he approached. “Mrs. Parker?”
Он снял шляпу и сердечно благодарил за приятный день.
He took off his hat and thanked the Lieutenant heartily for a pleasant day.
Он снял шляпу и пригладил волосы рукой.
He took off his hat and ran his hand through his dark hair.
Снял шляпу, посмотрел на нее и снова водрузил на лысеющую голову.
He took off his hat, looked at it, put it back on his balding head.
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