Translation for "подобное чувство" to english
Подобное чувство
Translation examples
На этом корабле много людей, испытывающих подобные чувства ко мне.
There are many people on this ship who have similar feelings toward me.
Я уже много лет не испытывала подобных чувств.
I haven’t experienced similar feelings for many years.
Большинство дроу испытывали подобные чувства к иллитидам, и Джарлаксл внезапно удивился, что Матрона Баэнре так открыто выставляет Эл-Виденвелпа.
Most drow held similar feelings toward illithids, and it momentarily struck Jarlaxle as odd that Matron Baenre would have El-Viddenvelp so obviously positioned.
Когда-то он испытывал подобные чувства к его матери, хотя у нее роды прошли нормально. Теперь же он вполне довольствовался новой семьей, к которой уже привык. И надеялся, что Ворна заинтересует его инструментальное ремесло.
He’d had occasion to have similar feelings about Goov’s mother, though he was glad she had given birth to Goov, and Droog had to admit he was enjoying his new family, once he had gotten used to them. He even had hopes that Vorn might yet develop an interest in toolmaking, and Ona was sheer delight, especially now that she was weaned and was beginning to imitate grown women in her own little-girl way.
this feeling
Я не была готова к подобным чувствам.
I wasn't ready for what this feels like.
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