Translation for "servendo" to english
Translation examples
- Che state servendo?
What you serving?
Chi stai servendo ?
Who are you serving?
- servendo questa amministrazione?
- serving in this administration?
Stai servendo la patria.
You're serving your country.
- Rich stava servendo...
- Rich was serving...
Stanno servendo alcolici?
Are they serving alcohol here?
Servendo il dottor Whitehall.
Serving Dr. Whitehall.
- Lo sto solo servendo.
- I'm just serving it.
Sto servendo la legge.
I'm serving some papers.
Louie? Ma quella non e' la donna che ci stava servendo?
Isn't that the woman who was helping us?
Mi dispiace, ma... sto servendo altre persone in questo momento.
Now, I'm sorry, but I'm helping some other people right now. - Okay.
Qualcuno la sta gia' servendo?
- Are you being helped?
Mi scusi, stava servendo me.
Excuse me, you were helping me.
State servendo il numero zero?
Are you still helping number zero?
Si', lo so, sto servendo la signora Crawford.
Yes, and now I'm helping Mrs. Crawford.
Sto servendo un ospite.
I'm helping a guest.
No, quando sono entrato si stava servendo da solo.
No, I just walked in, and he was helping himself.
La stava servendo?
Was she helping you?
Ti stai servendo da solo!
Just help yourself!
Questa volta lo taccio servendo Dio.
This time, I'm using it for God's work.
- Quella diabolica donna si sta ancora servendo di me.
- That damn woman's using me again.
Lei si sta servendo della macchina.
She's using the machine herself.
Un momento, ti... ti stai servendo del mio detective?
Hold on a second, you're using my detective?
Mio padre si sta servendo di te.
My father is using you.
E ancor piu' folle e' che l'FBI se ne stia servendo.
What's crazy is the FBI using it.
Ma lo vuoi capire? I giapponesi si stanno servendo di te.
Don't you see that the Japanese are using you?
Ti stavo servendo la palla.
I was dishing you the ball.
- Beh... Stavo servendo il tavolo sei.
Well I was waiting on table six.
Dio, sto servendo una famiglia di nani
Oh, my God, I am waiting on the cutest family of dwarfs.
- Scusi, la stanno servendo?
MAN: "Are you being waited on?"
E poi sarei finita a guadagnarmi da vivere servendo ai tavoli.
And I would make my living waiting on tables.
Sta servendo altri sei tavoli, stasera.
She's waiting on six other tables tonight.
E io sto ancora servendo ai tavoli del Crab Shack.
And I'm still waiting tables at the crab shack.
# Andavi al college, lavoravi # # part-time servendo ai tavoli #
♪ You were in college ♪ ♪ Working part-time waiting tables ♪
Io ti stavo servendo e tu hai battuto Gamberetto a poker.
I was waiting on you when you beat shrimpboy at poker.
Servendo ai tavoli o altro.
Wait tables or whatever.
Puoi cominciare servendo ai tavoli al "Da Margarita".
You can start waiting tables at Margarita's.
Sto servendo questo signore.
I'm dealing with this gentleman.
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