Translation for "außenhimmel" to english
  • outer sky
  • outside sky
Translation examples
outer sky
Das Licht des Außenhimmels war heute nicht sehr grell gewesen, und sie hatten ihre Sonnenbrillen in der Tasche lassen können.
The light of Outer Sky had not been bright today and the Foragers had not worn their dark glasses as, usually, they were forced to do.
Seine rastlosen Augen wanderten zum Außenhimmel, zu diesem weißlichblauen Schimmer, der unendlich weit entfernt war.
His eyes, in their ceaseless roaming, had glanced up at the Outer Sky, all a dazzling white-blue glare, far away and infinitely remote.
Durch weite Flächen farbigen Glases strömte das Licht des Außenhimmels herein. Alles schien ruhig. Sie warfen sich in den Schlitz zwischen Holz und Fliesen.
Vague and misty that doorway towered up, the glow of Outer Sky shining through vast areas of colored glass. All seemed quiet. They tumbled through the slot where wood and tile failed to meet with precision, stumbled down in faint reflected light.
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