Translation for "satisfaire son" to english
Satisfaire son
  • satisfy his
Translation examples
satisfy his
Je crois pas, seules deux choses lui importent, son ambition et satisfaire son égo.
There's two things that matter more to him, his ambition and satisfying his ego
Quelque chose qui puisse satisfaire son besoin de tuer mais qui le rende encore plus excitant.
You mean something that will satisfy his urge to kill but at the same time increase his excitement.
Un enfer car il est incapable de satisfaire son attirance pour le sang humain.
A living hell where he's unable to satisfy his cravings for human blood.
Un témoin expert plus intéresser par satisfaire son égo que dire la vérité c'est scandaleux.
An expert witness more interested in satisfying his ego than telling the truth is outrageous.
Une honte que tu ne pouvais pas satisfaire son appétit.
Shame you couldn't satisfy his appetite.
Ce drogué est accro depuis 8 ans. Il doit sans cesse mentir, violer, agresser et voler des salariés qui triment dur, pour satisfaire son manque pour les drogues dures !
This particular addict has been hooked for over eight years and must constantly lie, rape, mug, and steal from hard-working wage earners in order to satisfy his neverending crave for hard narcotics!
Celles qui ont été souillées sont simplement offertes Pour satisfaire son appétit vorace
Those who have been sullied are merely offered... to satisfy his voracious appetite.
S'il pense pouvoir jouer avec cette ville pour satisfaire son propre... caprice mégalomaniaque, il se trompe cruellement.
If he thinks he can toy with this town just to satisfy his own... power-hungry whims, he's sorely mistaken.
L'homme juste mange pour satisfaire son âme !
The righteous man eateth to satisfy his soul!
Markon s'est détourné des Ori pour satisfaire son appétit, mais quoi qu'il mangeât, il ne pouvait se sentir rassasié.
If you'll allow me... Markon walked away from the Ori to satisfy his hunger, but no matter how much he ate, he did not feel full.
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