Translation examples
Il grimpa sur le canon et urina longuement dessus.
He climbed onto the barrel and urinated on it at length.
Il grimpa sur la cheminée Ce gros rat
And he climbs up the chimney That fat piece of dung
Finalement, ce fidèle chien grimpa même les montagnes Rocheuses.
Finally, this faithful dog even climbed over the Rocky Mountains.
Il grimpa sur le toit, des sacs vides au bout du bras.
And he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist.
Un prête grimpa l'imposante pyramide Et prédit d'une naissance...
A high priest climbed the mighty pyramid and foretold of one as yet to be born...
Il grimpa tout en haut des escaliers...
He climbed the many stairs to the top... You know how much this meant to Lindsey?
Jamais auparavant un lion ne grimpa à un arbre.
Never before has a lion climbed a tree.
Et le prince grimpa... au sommet de la tour et dit,
And the prince climbed to the top of the tower and said...
Puis un matin, un scarabée grimpa sur son lit.
Then, like, at sunrise one morning, Mighty Mike. this beetle climbed up on the sick boy's bed.
le taux de suicides grimpa en flêche ;
suicide rates soared; the situation seemed hopeless.
La renommée de Lyn grimpa en flèche.
And from that moment on, Lyn's reputation soared.
Un orteil en moins, Florinda grimpa derrière le Prince, sans voir le sang qui s'échappait de la pantoufle.
Minus one toe, Florinda mounted the Prince's horse unaware of the blood dripping from the slipper.
Il grimpa sur moi et voulut me pénétrer. Mais je me défendis.
He crawled up and tried to force himself into me but I defended myself.
Il grimpa du tabouret au bar pour demander à boire.
He swarmed up the stool to the bar and ordered a drink.
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