Translation for "spangled banner" to spanish
Spangled banner
Translation examples
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
‘Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for “The Star-Spangled Banner
—Señoras y caballeros, rogamos se pongan en pie para escuchar el Star Spangled Banner…[4].
Oh say do that Star Spangled Banner yet wave...
Oh say do that Star Spangled Banner yet wave...
Give them all something to think about, between kisses and the “Star-Spangled Banner.”
Así tendrían algo en que pensar, entre sus besos y su Star-Spangled Banner.
And the “Star Spangled Banner” is foolproof until toward the last.”
And the Star Spangled Banner is fool-proof until toward the last.''
Sheriff Hock was particularly good on the high parts of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
El sheriff Hock era particularmente bueno en las partes agudas de The Star-Spangled Banner, el himno nacional.
the Star-Spangled Banner flutters from windows, from rooftops and on all the surrounding hills.
la «Star Spangled Banner»[120] ondea en las ventanas, en la parte alta de los edificios y en todas las colinas que rodean la ciudad.
And he said: “You could saw him off at the waist while singing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ and he wouldn’t notice.
—Podrías serrarle la cintura al ritmo de «The Star Spangled Banner», y ni se enteraría.
I could hear "The Star-Spangled Banner," its tinkly notes rising and falling with each boom and crash.
Oí sonar el himno «The Star-Spangled Banner», con sus notas tintineantes que se elevaban al ritmo de los estallidos.
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