Translation for "over-flowing" to spanish
Translation examples
And beyond, the manor with its six white Georgian pillars and broad shadowy porch lined with cushioned wicker lounge chairs and urns over-flowing with bougainvillea.
Y al fondo la mansión, con sus seis columnas georgianas blancas y el ancho porche en sombra donde se alineaban tumbonas de mimbre con mullidos cojines y urnas desbordantes de buganvillas.
He was reminded of a large, affectionate St. Bernard he had once had who persisted on bringing dead sparrows and field mice into the house as gifts from an over-flowing heart.
Aquello le recordó un corpulento y afectuoso San Bernardo que había tenido que se empeñaba en traer gorriones muertos y musarañas a la casa como regalos de un corazón desbordante de amor.
When the coal grew unnervingly close to Ted’s bunchy knuck-les, Bobby pulled it gently free and was putting it out in the over-flowing ashtray when Ted finally came back. “Smoking?”
Cuando el ascua se aproximaba inquietantemente a los abultados nudillos de Ted, Bobby le quitó la colilla de entre los dedos con delicadeza, y en el preciso momento en que la apagaba en el cenicero rebosante, Ted despertó. —¿Fumando?
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