Translation for "difficult or" to spanish
Difficult or
Translation examples
This document was difficult to develop and even more difficult to sign.
Fue difícil redactar este documento y aún más difícil fue firmarlo.
The result is both difficult to manage and difficult to comprehend.
El resultado es, a la vez, difícil de manejar y difícil de comprender.
That would not be difficult.
Eso no sería difícil.
Such policies are difficult to undertake, however, and even more difficult to sustain.
Sin embargo, tales políticas son difíciles de emprender, y aún más difíciles de mantener.
That is very difficult.
Eso es muy difícil.
Or difficult or challenging or arduous.
O difícil o desafiante o árduo.
It's not like difficult or challenging are bad things, anyway.
En cualquier caso, que algo sea difícil o desafiante no es malo.
When things get difficult or scary in a relationship,
Cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles o asustan en una relación,
Our life was difficult or you can say, miserable.
Nuestra vida fue difícil, o miserable, si quieres.
Was it difficult, or... were you able to remain cold, indifferent?
¿Fue difícil, o... fuiste capaz de permanecer fría, indiferente?
Difficult or impossible?
¿Difícil o imposible?
Even if it's difficult or painful...
Aunque sea difícil o doloroso...
This is not a difficult or complicated situation, Laura.
Ésta no es una situación difícil o complicada, Laura.
Is it difficult or time-consuming?
¿Va a ser difícil o llevará mucho tiempo?
Difficult or not, it's something we have to do.
Difícil o no, es algo que debemos hacer.
"That could be difficult." "Difficult?"
—Eso puede ser algo difícil. —¿Difícil?
But you make it difficult by being difficult.
Pero lo pone difícil siendo difícil.
But it's difficult! It's so difficult!
Pero resulta difícil. ¡Muy difícil!
It was so difficult. Amazingly difficult.
Era tan difícil. Increíblemente difícil.
“That will be difficult—very difficult.” “Difficult, perhaps, but possible, therefore certain—” “Absolutely certain,”
Difícil…, difícil… –Difícil, sí; pero posible, luego seguro.
It is difficult because it has been made difficult.
Es difícil porque lo han hecho difícil.
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