Translation for "be cursed with" to spanish
Be cursed with
Translation examples
If you banish us, you shall be cursed with a thousand-year drought.
Si nos destierran, van a ser maldecidos con una sequía de un millón de años.
The Lord did not intend for these Western lands to be cursed with the scourge of slavery.
El Señor no destinó estas tierras occidentales a ser maldecidas con el azote de la esclavitud.
“Children shouldn’t be cursed with so much power,” she said, as though she was speaking to herself.
—Los niños no deberían ser maldecidos con tanto poder —dijo, como si hablara para sí.
Over his shoulder he could see Kelso Drake, cursing at the people around him — people who were in no mood to be cursed.
Por encima del hombro pudo ver a Kelso Drake, maldiciendo a todos los que tenía a su alrededor…, gente que no estaba de humor para ser maldecida.
Around them doors were being thrown open, curses were being cursed, there was the sound of furniture being dragged up to first-floor rooms.
Y a su alrededor todo era un abrir de puertas, maldiciones en varias fases del proceso de ser maldecidas y sonidos de muebles trasladados apresuradamente a las habitaciones del segundo piso.
I could only curse the door porter, a bland functionary who hooked thumbs in his belt in a way that said he was used to being cursed and wouldn’t give a fig for it, even if figs had been in season.
Me limité a maldecir al portero, un insípido funcionario que colgaba sus pulgares del cinturón de un modo que expresaba que estaba acostumbrado a ser maldecido y que le importaba un pimiento.
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