Translation for "be conscious of it" to spanish
Translation examples
If he does, it means that his brain fails to release the chemicals that normally paralyze our muscles when we dream, so he acts out his dreams without even being conscious of it.
Si lo tiene, significa que su cerebro no libera las sustancias que normalmente paralizan los músculos cuando dormimos, así que escenifica sus sueños sin ser consciente de ello.
Sorcerers' aspirations are to reach infinity, and to be conscious of it."
Los chamanes aspiran a llegar al infinito, y a ser conscientes de ello.
I was going to lose my chance to face infinity and be conscious of it.
Perdería mi oportunidad de enfrentarme al infinito y ser consciente de ello.
Dannyl didn't appear to be conscious of it, but he adopted a different manner in public now.
Dannyl no parecía ser consciente de ello, pero en público adoptaba una actitud distinta.
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