Translation for "dandies" to french
Translation examples
- The Dandy d'Or.
- Le Dandy d'or.
- Fine and dandy!
- Amende et dandy!
Sit down, Dandy.
Assieds-toi, Dandy.
- A Randy Dandy.
- Un Randy Dandy.
- Hello, Mr. Dandy.
- Bonjour, M. Dandy.
- Where's Dandi?
Où est Dandy ?
It was Dandy.
C'était Dandy.
Quite the dandy.
C'est un dandy.
A fussy dandy!
Un dandy difficile!
He's always been a bit of a dandy.
Il est très élégant!
MRS. SMITH: That one's quite a dandy.
- Celui-ci est plutôt élégant.
Well, isn't that just dandy?
N'est-ce pas élégant ?
At Gonza, the spearman, such a dandy...
Gonza, le lancier, quel homme élégant
Hey, Dandy, come here.
Hey l'élégant, vient là
We run Dandy Lyon Cleaners.
On dirige l'Elégant Nettoyage Lyon.
Looks dandy, don't you think?
C'est élégant, vous ne trouvez pas ?
Did Little Miss Dandy Lyon tell you?
La petite Mlle Elégante Lyon vous l'a dit ?
You all look just dandy in your uniforms.
Vous avez tous l'air élégants en uniforme.
Think about this next time you let that dandy man put his hand in your skirt.
Pense à cela la prochaine fois que tu laisseras ce gandin mettre sa main sous ta jupe.
I never could stand that dandy.
Je ne le supporte pas, ce gandin
A. DOMASHOV as Dandy S. FILIPPOV as Courtier
Le gandin : A. DOMACHOV Le majordome : S. PHILIPPOV
That dandy, as you call him, undoubtedly didn't know either.
Le gandin, comme vous dites, l'ignore sans nul doute également.
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