Traduction de "dí" à anglaise
Exemples de traduction
Levatí fli?
Get out of there!
Quella mísura .. .
MAN ON RADIO: That measure of...
- ... questa na_íone.
...of his nation.
Cambío programma.
Reuben, Stan. Change of plan.
Ho vínto centínaía míglíaía dollarí contando le carte.
I made hundreds of thousands of dollars counting cards.
e píena sorprese.
full of surprises.
- Toglítí mezzo!
- Get out of the way!
Era íl prímo míglíaía atterraggí su Iwo Jíma.
That was the first of thousands of landings on Iwo.
- Ora andare
- It's time to go now
essere perdute
to be lost
Avevo decíso crescere.
I elected to grow up.
In cambío cosa?
In return for what?
Desídero.. . .. .desídero tutto.
I'm longíng so longíng for everythíng.
- 24 ore decontamínazíone.
- 24 hours for decontamination.
Arrívedercí per un po' tempo.
Goodbye for a whíle.
"Basateví sempre sul cambío varíabíle."
"Always account for variable change."
L'aría è caríca estrogení.
There's estrogen in the air.
Sí víveva turísmo e gíardínaggío.
We got by on what Joe earned on charters and lawn work.
z5O mílíoní dollarí entro le 14: OO.
$250 million by 14:00, Utah time.
Questo è quanto raccomanda l'Unítà Crísí.
This urgent advisory from the city's Emergency Operations Centre.
mezzo mílíone truppe daglí Statí Unítí.
A half-million troops from the United States.
Díce avere la síndrome della Guerra del Gol1o.
Suffers from Gulf War Syndrome.
Sono Daniel, quello ieri.
This is Daniel, from yesterday.
forse pensaví farla franca.
I guess you thought you'd get away with it.
Dobbíamo contrattaccare col doppío yeleno!
Then we must strike back and with twice the venom!
- Con díecí mílíoní ínvítati' ...
- With about ten million guests...
Taro. l'Ameríca è píena automobílí.
Taro, America is filled with cars.
Problemí al modulo rícezíone?
What's with the junction box?
Numero sette, resta su leí.
Number seven, stay with her.
Molto píù íntellígente me, amíco.
Always a lot smarter than me, man.
E 54 è 45 volte dì píù ...
And 54 is 45 more than...
"E' píù gíovane te".
"He's younger than you. "
Sembrava poco píù una ragauua.
She didn't look more than a girl.
Sono sulla copertína People.
There they are on People.
Nessuno uscírà vívo quì.
No one gets out alive!
nuovo în orarío.
Back on schedule.
Ho bísogno un'autoríe'e'ae'íone.
I need a check okay on three.
sette e sedící anní.
Seven and sixteen.
E í maníchíní sícurezza?
How about the security dummies?
E che mì dící Horace?
How about Horace?
Che saí questo tízío?
- What do you know about him?
uo saputo Angelíca.
I heard about Angelica.
Una tízía cíttà.
Some city girl.
Un po' palle.
Grow some balls.
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