Übersetzung für "bait" auf italienisch
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Faster, you worthless, wormy sons of sorry excuses... for shark bait weevils!
Più veloci, inutili, insignificanti larve per adescare squali!
The unsub who used his kid to bait the victims.
Giusto. L'S.I. che usava il figlio per adescare le vittime.
Sloan knew he had the perfect bait, that I wouldn't be able to resist.
Sloan sapeva di potermi facilmente adescare.
I appreciate that. But baiting sex traffickers by sending in my daughter...
Lo apprezzo, ma adescare dei trafficanti di esseri umani
Stop baiting your granddaughter, and put those mixing bowls back where you found them!
Smetti di tormentare tua nipote e metti quelle pentole dove le hai trovate.
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